Bad Boy Kippen

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{B}{A}{D} {B}{O}{Y} {K}{I}{P}{P}{E}{N}

Trying something different. They are in their senior year. Enjoy :)

Cyrus' POV

Day 1: September 13, 2019

Dear Diary,

I would rather call you a journal, but knowing me, this is a diary. School was good today. I picked this up because my therapist parents mentioned how important an emotion outlet is and though I have friends, there is some things you want to keep to yourself. I don't have any emotions that need to be let out, but I'll let you know if I do.

Sincerely, Cyrus  :I

Day 7: September 20, 2019

Dear Diary,

School was pretty iboring today. Buffy wouldn't stop going on about Marty. Though they both have liked each other since middle school, neither one wants to make a move on each other. Andi encourages it so she can be as happy as she is...because she is dating Jonah Beck.

Ahh Jonah Beck. Now I see this "emotional outlet" and "keeping things to myself" thing. This is one of those reasons for sure. Though my feelings for Jonah went away around the end of middle school, they come back from time to time. No one knows and they never will.

Until next week Diary.

Sincerely, Cyrus. :/

Day 14: September 27, 2019

Dear Diary,

School was talk about. We got a transfer student and his name is Theo James Kippen but he said he preferred to be called TJ. He had this vibe about him. All black from his shirt and jacket all the way to his boots. I saw girls instantly swooning and all I felt was nervous. He ended up sitting by me since for the day and though we didn't talk, I felt his eyes burning into the side of my head. I wanted to ask him if there was something wrong with me, but I didn't dare ask.

I don't know why I was the chosen one, but maybe he'll tell me one day.

Why do I get a strange feeling about him Diary?

Sincerely, Cyrus :/

Day 21: October 4, 2019

Dear Diary,

A couple days ago, TJ asked me for a pencil and I gave him my entire pencil case. He smiled, laughed a little and took one. As he gave it back, he told me to not be scared of him and it was such a surreal moment. We started having small conversation after that and now we talk every time we see each other. This is absolutely crazy. This "bad boy" actually wants to talk. To me. Plain ole Cyrus Goodman.

And I think I like it.

Sincerely, Cyrus. :/

Day 28: October 11, 2019

Dear Diary,

I mentioned TJ to Andi, Buffy and Jonah.

Bad idea.

They are being overprotective of me now. Saying how they see how TJ dresses and that they heard rumors about him. They are pretty judgmental sometimes. It's our senior year yet it seems like middle school again with...nevermind. I don't want to fully write out W****er into my notebook. I get anxious even writing those letters in this notebook.

He hurt me too bad. I never want to get hurt again. Diary, I wish you could protect me.

Sincerely, Cyrus :(

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