Chaper 23

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Amalia POV

"Have you got your homework?" Greg asked sternly, holding out an expectant hand.

I handed the paper over, happy knowing they were all correct because Danielle had checked them.

I watched as he scanned over the sheet.

I had tutoring later today. All my scenes were this morning. Dani said I could go onto set for her final scene when I'd finished my lessons.

"Who did these?" Greg asked seriously.

"I did," I told him.

"There's no way you did these without copying or using the internet," he said angrily.

"D-Danielle helped me," I stuttered nervously.

"You mean she did them for you?" He spat.

"No she helped with a couple and then I did them," I explained.

"Prove it," he snapped, slamming a piece of paper down in front of me. He walked over and wrote down a question.

"There, do it," he said, shoving the pen in my hand.

He crouched down behind me as I concentrated on the question. I could feel his hot breath by my ear.

He was too close.

My heart rate started to increase.

I tried to focus all my attention on the math problem, reminding myself of how Danielle taught me to do it.

"I've finished," I said, a shake in my voice.

He leant closer over my shoulder, looking carefully at my work.

"Correct," he said, standing back up and stroking his hand across my shoulder as he did so.

The next hour had to be one of the slowest in history.  The second the clock turned five, I pushed my chair back and left Greg behind in my trailer. I couldn't spend any longer in there. I felt as though I was suffocating.

I didn't want to be around anyone but I didn't know where to go. I instinctively walked towards Danielle's trailer before remembering that she was currently filming.

Would she mind if I used her trailer to hide out in?

I tried the handle and sighed in relief when it was unlocked. Walking in, I instantly felt calmer. I sat on the sofa, took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter.

This coronavirus thing was getting serious. The were so many reports suggesting that public places may be closing and people should start to work from home.

After fully calming myself down, I decided to head over to stage 3 to watch them filming.

I was halfway there when I felt someone reach out and grab me. I spun around, only to be faced with my mom. Her eyes were dark, her hair unbrushed, the smell of alcohol present.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She shouted.

I panicked.

I turned and tried to get closer to the stage, hoping she'd realise I was working and leave.

She wanted these paycheques after all.

"AMALIA," she screamed.

People were beginning to stop and looked around for the source of the commotion.

"Please leave," I begged her.

"I'm working," I added, turning again to walk away.

"Get back here you complete waste of space,"

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