Chapter 90

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Danielle POV

"I've never known anyone to love water as much as Mali," I chuckled, pulling back the duvet and climbing into bed.

"She must have been a sirena in her past life," Stef replied coming out of the en suit.

"A what?" I asked.

"Oh,  a mermaid bellina," she laughed, hanging her robe over the chair and joining me in bed.

"That hot tub was the best idea ever," I smiled, laying my head down against Stefania's shoulder.

She lifted her arm around me and held me close to her, placing a loving kiss atop my head.

"Did she settle in bed alright?" I asked Stefania, thinking that was something you'd ask about a baby not a teenager but needing to know either way.

"Eventually si bella. I had to unattach her from my clothes to get out of her bed but she seemed to be fast asleep," Stef explained, twirling my hair around her delicate fingers.

"We need to try and get her out the house," I sighed.

"I agree Danielle, the longer she stays inside the house, the harder it will be to try and get back to normal."

"I wouldn't mind never letting her leave my sight though," I added lightly, although I secretly meant it.

"I know bellina, then maybe you both need to get out," Stefania suggested.

"Any ideas?" I asked, tilting my gaze up to her.

"Caterina messaged me earlier to invite us to her house this weekend. She's having some of the cast over with their kids and has organised for someone to bring different animals and things," she informed me.

"Normally Mali would love that but do you not think it's too many people in one go?" I frowned.

"We can only ask her bellina, she might be okay with it being people she knows and it not being out in public," Stefania pointed out.

"Okay my love, we'll ask tomorrow," I yawned, unable to stop myself.

"It's been a long day bella, let's sleep," Stefania whispered, removing her arm from around me.

I flicked off the lamp beside the bed. We both wriggled down further and rolled onto our sides facing one another.

"I love you beautiful," I said quietly, even in the dark managing to lock my eyes with Stefania's.

She gently brought her hand up to hold my cheek, softly stoking my skin with her thumb.

" Ti voglio bene," she whispered, bringing herself closer to me.

I closed my eyes and let my lips brush lightly against hers. Stefania moved her hand to the back of my neck, guiding me close to her so as to deepen our kiss.

With all that had happened with Amalia recently, our relationship had unfortunately taken a bit of a back seat. But with both knew, we both knew that it changed nothing between us.

She knew I was hers.

I knew she was mine.

But this moment right now is what I've needed. I've missed the intimacy with her, I've missed us both being one.

I pulled away for a moment to breathe but instantly attached my lips to Stefania's again, needing more.

I felt a light tug on my bottom lip, forcing me to let out an involuntary moan.

"I thought you were tired," she smirked, breaking the kiss again.

"Never too tired for you," I smiled, running my fingers through her hair.

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