Chapter 74

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Danielle POV

"And we're home," I sighed tiredly, pulling into the driveway and turning off the engine.

"Let's get inside bellina," Stefania smiled, resting her hand on my thigh.

I turned around to look at Amalia and saw her asleep, her head at an awkward angle against the window.

"Do we have to wake her?" Stefania pouted.

"Yeah, she won't like waking up in the car alone," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out the car.

I started to get the cases out of the trunk as Stefania gently woke Mali.

"Wake up bambina, we're home," I heard Stefania whisper.

"Shhhh bella mama's here," she added.

I smiled to myself, Stefania was definitely her mama.

"Hi beautiful," I said softly as Amalia climbed out of the car.

"What time is it?" She yawned sleepily.

I checked my watch, walking up to the front door.

"It's almost 11pm sweetheart. We'll get straight to bed and hopefully avoid the worst of the jet lag," I said, opening the door to my house.

"I wish Jeff was here," Amalia said as we walked in.

"I'll go pick her up tomorrow bambina, you can come with me if you want," Stefania said, ruffling her hair as she walked passed.

"Hey," she laughed, flattening it back down.

"Mali are you hungry?" I asked, seeing as neither of us had eaten in forever.

I watched her think about it for a moment before she looked up at me and shook her head.

"Amalia," I warned.

"I'm good," she said fakely.

"I'm gonna order takeout anyway, try a bit for me?" I said, playfully fluttering my eyelashes at her.

"Mom please," she sighed.

"For me baby," I said again, reaching out to take hold of her hand.

She nodded slowly.

"That's my girl," I smiled, leaning forwards and kissing the top of her head.

"I'm gonna go shower bellas," Stef announced, dragging her suitcase through to our bedroom.

"Go freshen up Amalia Cora, I'll sort dinner," I told her.

"Are you gonna middle name me all the time now?" she giggled.

"No, but I do like the sound of it," I grinned happily, flicking through the takeout menus.

She went to go get ready for bed while I ordered dinner. Before going to shower myself, I quickly went to check the mailbox. Collecting the pile of mail from the last week or so, I sifted through it looking for anything important.

A letter addressed to Amalia caught my eye.

It looked handwritten.

I left it on the side with the rest of the letters and random flyers and went to shower. Once I'd dried my hair and changed into pyjamas, I rejoined Stefania who was sat with her legs up on the couch.

"I'm so tired," she whined dramatically.

"I know my love, we can head straight to bed once we've eaten," I said, sliding beside her and entangling our legs together.

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