Chapter 108

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Danielle POV

"Morning bubba," I whispered softly.

"How you feeling sunshine?" I asked laying on my side in her bed, my head propped up, leaning on my elbow.

Sleepily, she rubbed her eyes, waking up a little more and shuffled closer when she realised I was there.

"Hi mommy," she yawned, letting herself snuggle back into my chest.

"Hey, I came in here to wake you up," I laughed, trying to roll her away from me a touch.

"Mommy nooo," she whined, attempting to get back to being attached to me.

"Mali bub, you gotta wake up," I chuckled, trying to sit myself up a bit so she couldn't lay on top of me.

"Tell mommy how you're feeling sunshine," I asked again, hoping the period pain wasn't too bad.

"I feel okay I think," she replied, accepting the fact I wasn't going to let her fall back asleep on me.

"Do you think you'll be okay going to Greys with mama? I can try to rearrange with Peter if not or...."

"Mom it's okay. I can go with mama," she smiled up at me, cutting off my anxious rant.

"You'll let me or mama know if you're in too much pain or feel faint again though right?" I warned seriously.

"Yes, I promise," she nodded, creeping a little closer to me as though I wouldn't realise.

"You've got five minutes," I laughed, pulling her to me so she could hold onto me and lay her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks mom," she giggled, cheekily placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I don't think you'll be feeling hungry today though sunshine. Your mama has been up making what looks like a feast in the kitchen," I told her, running my fingers through her hair.

"I'll not be able to eat a feast," she sighed.

"She knows that, she just wants to make sure your sugar and energy levels are definitely back up. I think she's made us all lunch to take to work too, she was talking about how green veggies have a lot of iron in or something like that,," I began telling her before Stefania appeared in the doorway.

"I thought you were getting the bambina up?" She smirked, leaning against the wall.

"I tried, but you try saying no to cuddles when she's this cute," I joked, squeezing Mali to me.

"She can't, I got an extra twenty minutes yesterday," Mali chuckled.

"Hey, that was a secret," Stefania laughed, pointing her finger accusingly at Amalia.

"We need to leave in half an hour bella," Stefania said seriously now.

"And you need to eat before we leave," she added, a stern but warm look on her face.

"Okay mama, I'll get up now," Amalia agreed.

"Good bambina, I'll go finish packing our lunches," Stefania said, turning to head back to the kitchen.

Amalia and I both looked at one another, our eyes having a secret conversation.

"Two more minutes," we both said at the same time before laughing.

I held her close until it really was time that we both got up and Amalia started getting ready while I finished.

Before we knew it, we'd all enjoyed an amazing breakfast together around the table and were ready to leave.

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