Chapter 50

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Amalia POV

"Ready?" Danielle asked both Stefania and I as she pulled up outside her mom's house.

She turned to face me in the back of the car, I couldn't stop tapping my fingers on my knee but lifted my gaze to meet hers.

"I'm ready bellina," Stefania said warmly, now a lot calmer.

"Mali?" Danielle said gently.

"I'm r-ready," I stuttered.

"It just my mom and sister sunshine," she reminded me.

"You've got this baby girl, I promise it will all be okay," she assured me, reaching her arm through the gap to gently rub my knee.

"I know," I nodded.

The three of us got out of the car, Stefania moving to take my hand in hers as we walked up the driveway.

"I'm here bambina," she whispered when we reached the front door.

The door swung open straight away and we were met with Danielle's mom, smiling bright and arms open wide.

"Ahh you're here," she said excitedly.

"Happy Birthday my girl," she grinned.

"Come in come in," she added, holding the door open and ushering us through.

I took a step closer to Stefania while Danielle and her mom gave one another a hug. I looked around to see family photos all around the room.

Danielle pulled back from the hug and turned her attention to Stefania and I.

"Mom, this Amalia who I told you had been quarantining with me. And this is Stefania," she explained and then paused.

"Who has also been quarantining with us because..." she paused again.

"She's my girlfriend," she added, just getting straight to the point.

I could tell Danielle was nervous despite putting on a brave face all morning, there was a definite wobble in her voice.

I felt Stefania squeeze my hand tightly when Danielle told her mom she was her girlfriend.

"Well it's lovely to finally meet you," her mom smiled, not really giving anything away.

"It's lovely to meet you too Kathleen," Stefania said, taking a step forward to hold out her hand.

"Oh please call me Kathie," she replied kindly, ignoring Stefania's handshake to instead pull her into a hug.

I watched as Danielle's shoulders dropped, some of the tension leaving her.

"Come on through to the garden, everyone's waiting," her mom said, about to take us outside.

"Wait mom, what do you mean everyone? I thought it was just you and Stephanie?" Danielle asked anxiously.

"Well it's your birthday and with us all being quarantined for so long I thought it would be nice to see everyone," she explained.

"Okay, just give us one moment, we'll be right out," Danielle said.

Kathleen turned and headed out towards the garden leaving the three of us stood there nervously.

"Mali sweetheart I didn't know she'd invited more people," Danielle said quickly, crouching to my level and taking my hands in hers.

"It's okay," I said, not wanting to ruin her birthday or time with her family.

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