Chapter 111

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Amalia POV

"Come on bambina," Stefania smiled softly, holding her hand out for me.

I brought my knees closer to my chest, shaking my head at her.

"Mama's got you," she said calmly, crouching down, her bath towel still wrapped around her, tucked into her chest.

"C-can't," I stuttered.

"Come on, it's okay bella," she whispered.

I wiped my eyes and let her pull me to my feet as she stood up. Clutching Eeyore to my chest, I followed her into their bedroom.

Danielle was curled up in the middle of their bed wearing her white bathrobe. She was still crying.

"Here bubba," she smiled slightly, beckoning me to join her.

I moved closer to the bed and paused when I got to the edge.

"It's okay," she assured me, wiping her tears.

I climbed up and shuffled close enough for her to reach and pull me to her. 

"It's okay," she said again, guiding my head to her chest.

I let myself curl up into her, wanting to be as close to her as possible.

Mama came to lay on the other side of Danielle, wrapping her arm over the both of us.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, reaching to touch Danielle's bathrobe.

"Don't you dare be sorry bubba, you have nothing to apologise for," Danielle said firmly, holding me closer.

"I d-do," I stuttered, my chest so tight.

"Tell us bambina, tell us what's going though your head so we can understand," mama said.

I took a shaky breath and tried to talk.

It wouldn't come out.

"You can tell us anything," Danielle whispered, planting another kiss on my head.

I squeezed my hand tightly, my nails digging into my palm. Stefania instantly intervened, taking my hand and uncurling my fingers.

"No mama," I whined, not wanting her to do that.

"Shhh bella, breathe," she said softly, opening  Danielle's robe slightly to lay my hand flat against her skin.

"That's better bubbie, no more pain," Dani soothed.

"Talk to us Amalia," she added.

"I'm sorry that the security man hurt me. I've been trying so hard to get myself so I can be more independent and I thought it was working. I thought I was doing okay but now you don't want to leave me and I know you need time together. You're in a relationship and you need that time away from me. I'm your child that you didn't even want and now I'm gonna be the reason you split up. I don't want it to be my fault. I'll try harder I promise," I cried out to them.

"I promise I'll try,"

"I'll try harder,"

"I'll try harder,"

"I'm sorry,"

I cried and cried, rolling over and trying to practically pull Danielle's robe over me to try and hide my face from them.

"Okay okay bambina," Stefania said, sitting up a little straighter and trying to reach for me.

"Baby stop," Danielle said.

"Amalia baby that's enough," she sighed when I still attempted to hide.

"Do you want me to get you some clothes bellina?" I heard Stefania ask Danielle.

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