Chapter 58

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Amalia POV

"Amalia?" I heard Danielle call from the kitchen.

I left the pile of clothes on my bed and went to go see what she wanted.

Danielle had helped me pick what clothes I'd wanted to take earlier but I was struggling to organise them and get everything else ready.

"Have you finished packing sunshine?" Danielle asked when she saw me appear.

She was filling bowls with snacks and preparing for when everyone came over.

"Kinda," I said, looking down and chewing down on my lip.

"Mali, people are arriving soon," she sighed, slicing some tomatoes roughly to go in the salad.

"You don't want to be rushing it tomorrow," she said firmly.

"I know, I'm nearly done I promise," I said quickly, rushing back to my room to finished packing.

I really didn't want Danielle to be mad at me.

I stared at the heap of clothes on my bed that I'd tried at least five times to sort into my suitcase.

I subconsciously began scratching at my wrists, feeling myself begin to panic a little.

"Hi bambina,"

I snapped my head up to see Stefania standing in the doorway.

"H-hi," I stuttered nervously.

"Is everything alright Lia?" She asked.

I nodded, automatically glancing in the direction of the kitchen as I was worried about Danielle being angry.

She followed my gaze and came further into my room, quietly closing the door behind her.

She turned the chair of my dressing table around and sat down, holding her hand out for me to come closer.

I stood in front of her, glancing down but avoiding making any eye contact.

"Talk to me," she whispered softly.

"I think Danielle's angry with me," I told her anxiously.

"Why bambina?"

"Because I've not finished packing," I admitted, glancing over my shoulder and gesturing to the mess that was my bed.

Stefania sighed and nodded. She moved to gently lift her arm and tuck my hair back.

"She's not angry with you bambina," Stefania smiled softly.

"She's not?"

"No bella, she's just nervous about tonight," she told me, taking hold of my hand again.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she's telling all her friends about our relationship," she explained.

"And about me?" I questioned.

"Si bambina," Stef smiled.

"But they're all her friends," I said, feeling a little confused.

"And that's why it's a big deal Mali. Telling strangers things is easy because you don't care for their opinion. It's harder when it's your closest friends because you want them to be supportive," she said gently.

"But your friends will support you right?" I asked, scared of them hurting Danielle and Stefania.

"I'm pretty sure they will bella," she smirked, grabbing my and pulling me down onto her lap.

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