Chapter 143

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Amalia POV

"You're gonna have to break the news to Carter you know?" Danielle said as I lay on my front on top of her bed.

I stroked a sleeping Ford and looked up at her.

"About you leaving the show," she added when I must've looked confused.



"He'll be okay about it sweetheart but you should give him a heads up before it's public knowledge around set," Danielle said with a soft smile.

"I'll tell him tomorrow when we're on set," I nodded.

"Are we taking Ford with us?"

"Yes bubs, he's too young to be left alone just yet," Dani said, reaching forward and ruffling his ears.

He lifted his head sleepily but woke up more when he remembered where he was and excitedly scrambled further up the bed until Dani pulled him into her arms and onto her chest. He licked at her face and buried his head in her hair.

"Oi bubbie stop," she laughed, lifting him away from her hair a little.

"Hey that's my name," I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip.

"I have two babies now," Danielle winked, stroking Ford as he settled on her.

"And he's stealing my place," I whined dramatically, rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling.

"You'll have to get used to that I'm afraid, he's a cuddle bug too," she laughed, cuddling Ford close to her.

"No fair," I sulked, crossing my arms over my chest as Stefania walked into the bedroom.

"What's put you in a bad mood?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on my leg.

"Someone's jealous," Danielle told her.

"Of who bella?" Stefania asked.

"I'm not jealous," I frowned.

"She's jealous of Ford and all the mommy snuggles he's getting," she laughed.

"I'm not," I sighed, covering my face with my hands.

"Oh bambina," Stefania smirked, trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"It's not funny," I whined.

"I know I'm sorry, come here. You can have mama instead," she said, reaching and moving my hands away from my face.

"I'll move up here," Stef added, moving to the top of the bed to sit beside Danielle, her long legs stretching out in front of her.

"Come on," she repeated, patting her chest.

I pushed myself up and made my way to Stefania who took hold of me and pulled me practically on top of her.

"This is why you have two momma's," she whispered, guiding my head down to her chest.

"But he's taken one," I said, pointing at my puppy laying on Danielle.

"You could probably both fit," Danielle said.

"Not when he gets bigger," Stefania joked.

"You've got a little time to practice sharing," Dani winked.

"And Ford doesn't stretch my clothes out," she added sarcastically.

"Hey I don't do that much anymore," I playfully fought back.

"No, that's because mommy makes sure she wears baggy shirts or clothes with easy access," she teased.

"And your mama doesn't mind that either," Stefania said in whisper.

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