Chapter 120

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Danielle POV

"Good morning sunshine," I smiled, looking up from my phone to see Amalia's head appear around the door.

Stefania set her book down, ready to welcome our girl into our bed.

"In you come," I said softly, letting her know it was okay.

"Buongiorno bella," Stefania gently said, pulling back the duvet.

"Climb over me bub," I added, enjoying hearing her giggle as I pulled her over me so she could lay between Stefania and I.

"How did you sleep bambina?" Stefania asked, laying on her side and facing the both of us.

"Good, a little warm though," Amalia shrugged.

"The reaction on your face has gone down a lot. Let me see your chest," I said, sitting up a bit more.

I frowned when she pulled up the front of her pyjama top, exposing the redness.

"Maybe another oat bath this morning bambina? Give it another chance to go down," Stefania suggested, softly tracing a pattern over Amalia's stomach.

"Are we not going to work today?" Mali asked.

"You and mama aren't bub. Mommy is in this morning for a meeting with the writers about my episode," I explained to her, twirling a piece of her hair around my finger.

"You've got Carla coming over for a session though and your school work," I added.

"Lucky me," she said, sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"Hey cheeky," I laughed, tickling around her ribcage.

"Stoppp," she giggled, pushing my hand away.

"Mama are you staying here with me?" Amalia asked, turning to look up at Stefania.

"Si bambina, I thought we could go get you a dress this afternoon for the Barbie premier," Stefania winked.

"Really?" Amalia asked, sitting up excitedly.

"Si bella," Stefania grinned, laughing lightly at her reaction.

"Is that a yes?" Stef teased.

"Yes please mama," she nodded excitedly.

"Okay well in that case bubba, you need to have an oat bath this morning and put some loose clothes on, give your skin chance to breathe and cool down if you're out this afternoon. You need to get your school work done this morning as well," I told her, mom mode activated.

"I will I promise," she assured me, nestling closer, moving her head to my chest.

"That's my girl," I whispered, gently kissing her head.

"You won't be here when I have therapy?" She asked quietly, playing with my necklace.

"No sweetheart, but mama will be and you can call me if you need to," I reassured, feeling her nod against me.

"Good girl," I smiled.

The three of us lay cuddled together for a little longer before I really did need to get up and ready to leave for set.

"I'll start running the bath Mali but mama will have to take over if you need help," I said, heading into mine and Stefania's bathroom.

I turned the taps on to run the bath for Amalia while I had the quickest shower known to man and avoided getting my hair wet, not having the time to dry it. I wrapped a towel around me and made sure Amalia's bath was the right temperature for her.

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