Chapter 139

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*** A few days later ***

Danielle POV

I smiled down at my phone at the picture of myself and Amalia that Stefania had sneakily took of us a few mornings ago. We'd laughed that there was no way we could ever post it online due to the fact I was half naked, despite it being an adorable picture of Amalia asleep on my chest.

However, she'd woken up the next day and gotten straight on with her school work and has barely spoken to or spent any time with Stefania and I since.

I knew I'd been working longer hours whilst directing and I'd been working a lot since trying to get my directors cut finished but I'd still tried to spend time with her.

She just kept telling us she had school work to finish.

"Ahh I love this picture," Stefania smiled, sitting down beside me on the sofa and looking at my phone.

She placed her arm around me and I settled back further against her, my head down on her shoulder.

"You were both fast asleep", she added.

"I'd been up at least twice with her that night, I gave up in the end and just completely took my shirt off and hoped that she'd settle," I laughed.

"Poor bella, she's still not sleeping properly," Stefania frowned.

"I know but she won't let us help at the moment. I don't know what's going on," I sighed, just wishing she'd let us in.

"Maybe she's finally reached the moody teenager stage," Stefania smirked.

"I think I'd rather have baby Amalia who needs my boobs to fall asleep," I laughed.

"What time are you out at the event tonight?" I asked Stefania who was going to a screening of one of her friends films.

I was meant to go with her but knew I wouldn't have time as I had a zoom call with the editors and Emily was coming over to do an Instagram live about the episode.

"I need to be there for 7pm, you'll be finished working by then si?" Stefania asked.

"I should be yeah," I nodded, choosing to work from home because we didn't want to leave Amalia on her own just yet.

"I'm gonna go work in the office in about half an hour," I added as Amalia walked in looking absolutely exhausted.

"Morning sunshine," I smiled, hoping she'd come straight over to us.

"M-morning," she stuttered nervously.

"Everything okay bella?" Stefania asked.

"Yeah, I just need some water," she said quietly.

"Do you want mama to make you some breakfast?"

"No thank you," she smiled slightly.

"Amalia sweetheart make sure you have something," I said seriously.

"I will," she snapped at me.

"Amalia, I was just.."" I began to say.

"I just want water," she said grumpily.

"Amalia sweetheart that's fine, but you don't need to talk to me that like," I said firmly.

"Stop making me have food," she said frustratedly, referring to the last few days where Stefania and I had been having to constantly remind her to eat and drink.

"Amalia," I warned calmly.

"Have you slept at all bambina?" Stefania asked.

"Eughhh just stop going on about it," she sighed dramatically, turning around and walking back towards her bedroom, not even getting the water she came for.

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