Chapter 22

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Amalia POV

"What a day!" Danielle said, opening the door to her house.

"Your last scene was insanely good though," I said, following her in.

"It was insanely long too," she laughed, kicking off her shoes.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" She asked, heading into the kitchen.

"I don't mind," I shrugged, still not having much of an appetite.

"Shall I just rustle something up?" She suggested.

"Yeah okay," I agreed, sitting on a chair around the kitchen island.


"Yes sunshine?" She said, rummaging in the fridge for something.

"What did Maddie say about me staying here?" I asked nervously.

She grabbed what she needed and opened a draw for a knife before getting a chopping board.

"She understood that it was important for you to be here. She's incredibly supportive. She's not judgemental if that's what you're worried about," she told me, carefully slicing an onion.

"That's good," I said quietly.

"Stefania is coming over for dinner," she said, heating some oil up in the pan.

"Is she bringing Jeff?" I asked, unable to mask the hopeful smile on my face.

"Most probably," she chuckled, continuing cooking dinner.

"Are you going to tell people soon?" I asked curiously.

"About me and Stefania?"

I nodded.

"It's still very early, I don't think we need to start telling people yet. Although I'm sure the fans would love some confirmation," she smirked.

"When is the first episode airing?" I asked her.

"Next Thursday sweetheart. You excited for everyone to see your debut?" She smiled.

"No I'm nervous," I told her.

"Mali, trust me. You have nothing to be nervous about. They will love you. You're incredible and so is Aurora," she said firmly.

"I kinda like that nobody knows me though," I explained.

"That's understandable, but so many people were excited to find out who you were when we posted those hiking pictures,"

Danielle finished adding the final ingredients to the pan before turning down the heat, covering it with a lid and leaving it to took.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and call my sister. We try to keep to the same time every week," she explained.

"I won't be long, just come get me if you need me," she added, running her hand through my hair as she walked past me.

Since I had some time, I thought I'd better attempt to get Greg's homework done. I took the papers out of my bag and lay them out in front of me.

I stared at them blankly, not having the first clue where to start.

I could easily put the numbers into a calculator but he wanted to see the working out.

I rested my elbows on the table and held my head in my hands.

What was I going to do.

I didn't want to make him angry again.

I didn't want to give him another excuse to shout.

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