Stefania POVI felt myself beginning of wake up, enjoying the fact that it was natural and not from the obnoxious sound of an alarm. I stretched my arms above my head and my legs down towards the foot of the bed.
"Good morning beautiful," I head Danielle say quietly and turned my gaze towards her, smiling the moment I laid my sleepy eyes on her.
"Buongiorno bella," I said, a morning croakiness to my voice.
"We've got a visitor," Danielle whispered.
I pushed myself up slightly and saw that Amalia was lay fast asleep on the other side of Danielle, her body curled up into her momma's.
"What time did she come in?" I asked, not having heard her during the night.
I rolled onto my side and lay my arm over Danielle so I could gently rest my hand on Amalia's back.
"Around 3am I think, she wasn't upset though. She just came and quietly climbed in with us," Danielle explained, her fingers curling a piece of Amalia's hair.
I glanced up and caught Danielle wince and watched as she tried to return her face back to neutral.
"Still have that headache bellina?" I frowned.
"Hmm yeah," she nodded.
"I didn't sleep well either, I couldn't get into a deep sleep," she added.
"Because the bambina slept on you?" I asked, annoyed at myself for not waking up and helping her with Amalia.
"No no she was absolutely fine, I'm used to her sleeping on me so it wasn't that," Danielle explained, moving her other hand to rest on top of Amalia's that was on her chest.
"Do you want me to take her now and you can try and get some more sleep?" I offered.
"I don't want to risk waking her yet, I doubt we'd get her off my boobs without unsettling her," she pouted.
"You can have the day to yourself to rest? I was going to take the girls to the beach,"
"And the dogs," I added.
"Or do you want me to stay and look after you?" I said, quickly realising that I also didn't want to leave her alone if she wasn't feeling great.
"No my love I'll be fine, you go to the beach with the girls," she said with her signature warm smile.
"I've had a busy few weeks with directing and filming and our girls birthday and her deciding she wants to leave the show. This is probably it all catching up with me and my body letting me know I need a rest day," Danielle theorised.
"Are you sure? I can take the girls another day and stay to look..."
She cut me off with a kiss, leaning forward and smiling into it.
Still smiling when she pulled away she whispered with her face still only inches away, "I'll be fine, I'll get up soon and drink some water and take some pain relief."
"No bellina, I'll get up and get you water and pain relief," I said, pulling back the duvet and starting to climb out.
"Oh and maybe coffee for myself," I added cheekily, bringing my finger to my lips.
"No water for you?" Danielle smirked.
"Si water also," I nodded, stopping when I reached our bedroom door and turning around.
"But I'm taking three teenagers and two dogs to the beach so I need coffee," I winked before leaving the two parts of my heart snuggled in bed together.

Under Her Wing
FanfictionA 13 year old actress is added to the set of station 19. She's great at playing her role but what happens when Danielle starts to see through her act.