Chapter 162

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Danielle POV

"Mali, you need to make a start on your schoolwork," I reminded her as I quickly tidied up the lounge a little.

She looked up at me slightly confused from where she was knelt colouring by the coffee table.

"Daniele's coming to do my hair for the event mama and I are going to tomorrow remember and I've got two meetings this afternoon," I told her, straightening some throw cushions.

"And you have therapy later," I added, watching her face drop.

"So you need to get your classes done," I said firmly, ignoring her pout.

"How am I going to therapy if you have two meetings?" She asked.

"You have two moms remember," I winked, not giving her a chance to get out of it.

"I thought mama was on set?" Amalia asked.

"Only until lunch bubs,"

"Why did Chiara and Vittoria have to go home?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because you weren't as strict about schoolwork then," she sighed.

"Mali you're the one who sneakily signed up for extra work," I pointed out.

"But that was before I liked things like colouring," she sulked.

"There will be time to play after therapy, I'm sure Stefania will let you if you've finished all your work. Now go get your laptop," I instructed, checking the clock and seeing Daniele would be here soon.

"No because then you're gonna be busy all day," she whined.

"Mali," I warned.

She turned away from me and carried on colouring in her picture.

"Amalia," I said firmly.

I had one stubborn teenager this morning.

"Amalia Cora," I said again, using her middle name.

"Sweetheart you're going to end up with a consequence here," I warned, careful to avoid the word punishment incase it was triggering for her.

Still she turned away from me.

"Amalia if you start your work now, you'll have some time with me before you leave for therapy," I said, hopefully offering her a compromise.

This time I saw her stop colouring for a moment, as though she was considering my offer.

"What if I do my work with you?" She asked quietly.

"Bubs I'm getting my hair done aren't I? I don't think Daniele will be able to work around that. And I don't want you distracted, you need to concentrate," I said seriously.

She threw her coloured pencil down frustratedly.

"Hey, none of that," I warned, remembering the conversation with my own therapist about the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum.

"Last chance Amalia," I warned when she still made no move to get up.

She hit her hand down against the coffee table.

"You're going to end up in a timeout Mali," I sighed, checking the clock again.

"No!" She shouted, frustratedly shaking her head.

"Then let's calm down, and go do as mommy said," I encouraged calmly, careful to control my own temper.

She picked up a handful of her colours and threw them angrily.

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