Chapter 154

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Stefania POV

"Vittoria and Chiara are both having an early night. They're very tired," I chuckled, walking back into the lounge to join Danielle and Amelia.

"They'll feel so much better for getting some extra sleep in the morning," Danielle smiled, running her fingers through Amalia's hair as she rested her head in her lap.

"Nearly time for this one to go to bed too," she added, earning a groan in response from the bambina.

"Are you okay bellina?" I asked, sensing something wasn't quite right with Danielle, her face a little pale.

"I am my love," she nodded, but caught my eye and pointed to her head, miming a headache.

I nodded back, realising she didn't want to make Amalia aware.

"Need anything?" I asked.

"I'm good for now," she said.

"I think it's mama's turn to put our bambina to bed tonight," I said, picking up on the fact that Danielle looked exhausted.

"Noooo," Amalia whined, rolling onto her back and then over again so she was now facing Danielle, her head buried against her stomach.

"Ahh ahh bella," I warned, wanting to avoid a meltdown now.

She moved to hold onto Danielle and I took this as my cue to stand up and get her.

"Come on sweetheart, you need to get to bed and mommy needs to go get a glass of water," Danielle said calmly, trying to encourage Amalia to let go of her.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" Mali asked, looking from Danielle to me and back again.

"Try in your own room first, you can always come climb in with me and mama if you need," Danielle said, trying to sit up a bit more with Amalia.

"Come on bambina, give Danielle a goodnight kiss," I said.

She did as I said but still didn't release her grip of Danielle.

"Let go now sweetheart," Danielle said softly, trying to uncurl Amalia's fingers from her bra.

"Nooooo," Amalia said frustratedly, shaking her head.

"Come to mama," I said, moving and leaning down to her.

I reached and put my hands under her arms, managing to pull her up and off Danielle's lap as she finally got Mali to let go of her.

I held her wriggling body in my arms as Danielle stood up beside me.

"You're tired Amalia, let mama get you to sleep," Danielle said, kissing Mali's cheek.

"Sweet dreams bubba," she added as I started to walk out the room and towards Amalia's bedroom.

"Do we not want mama today?" I joked lightly as I wiped Amalia's cheek free of tears.

"I do," she pouted.

I set her down on the edge of her bed.

"Are you going to get yourself ready for bed tonight?" I asked, not knowing how much control she wanted me to take.

"You mama," she yawned, showing us both how tired she was.

I smirked at her and turned to grab fresh pyjamas out of her draw.

"Arms up bella," I smiled, pulling her t-shirt over her head.

Before putting her arms through her pink, floral pyjama shirt, I glanced at her bare chest, noticing that it wasn't completely flat anymore, there appeared to be the smallest indication that the next stage of puberty was starting for her.

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