Chapter 40

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Stefania POV

Danielle and I had been up a while, both unable to fully relax knowing that Amalia's mom had passed the previous evening.

Danielle had been tossing and turning all night, nervous about breaking the news to Amalia. The two of us were in the lounge, both drinking coffee and scrolling mindlessly on our phones.

"Good morning beautiful girl," I heard Danielle say from across the room. I looked up from my phone to see a tired looking Amalia enter the lounge.

"Morning," she said softly, her voice a little croaky.

"Come sit bambina," I smiled, patting the sofa beside me.

She came and sat down, leaving a slight gap between us.

"Where's Jeff?" She asked.

"She's outside going crazy, you can come walk her with me later if you want?" I suggested.

"Please," she nodded, smiling softly.

I glanced discreetly at Danielle who was sat on the armchair opposite us. She met my gaze, I knew she was nervous about telling Amalia about her mom. The both of us knew that the sooner she told Amalia, the sooner she could start the healing process.

Danielle moved to put down her drink on the coffee table, she got up to walk over to Amalia and I. Crouching down in front of Amalia, she took hold of both of her hands.

Amalia looked worriedly between the two of us, sensing something was off.

"Mali sweetheart," Danielle began, pausing trying to find the right words.

It was hard enough to sit here and watch this happen, I can't imagine the pain Danielle is going through having to break this to a thirteen year old.

"The hospital called me last night," she continued.

I moved to rest my hand on Amalia's back, silently letting her know I was right here. Danielle stroked her thumb over the young girls hands.

"She's gone right?" Amalia asked.

"That's what you're trying to tell me?"

"I'm so sorry my sunshine," Danielle said, a tear of her own falling.

"It's okay," Amalia said sadly, pulling a hand away from Danielle and leaning towards her to wipe her tears, just like Danielle had done for her on many occasions.

"We're here for you bambina, whatever you need," I told her, moving my hand up and down her back.

"You're meant to have an appointment with Carla today sweetie. Do you want me to cancel it?" Danielle asked her.

"Yes please. I don't think I'm up to it today," she admitted.

"Alright Mali, I'll go call her," she said, standing herself up and walking into the kitchen.

"Are you okay bambina?" I asked her, knowing how incredibly hard losing a parent is.

She nodded, keeping her gaze forward.

"It's okay not to be alright Amalia," I told her.

She turned her head to look up at me, a glossy layer over her eyes.

"I don't know how I feel," she whispered sadly.

"That's okay too bella, I'm here if you ever want to talk," I assured her.

"Stefania?" She asked apprehensively.

"Si bambina?"

"Can you just hold me?" She asked, her bottom lip quivering.

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