Chapter 83

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Danielle POV

"Come on bellina, let's get you inside,"


I heard her sigh sadly at my lack of response.

She'd just parked up on the driveway after her and the others had finally convinced me to leave the set and come home.

I sat frozen, staring at my house.

I didn't want to go in.

I knew without Amalia there, there'd be an empty aura filling the space that my girls energy should take up.

I turned my head to face Stefania, who's colour still hadn't returned to her face.

"I can't," I said, struggling to even get those words out.

She took my hand in hers, squeezing it tight.

"You have to," she replied as she let go of my hand to unbuckle the seatbelt.

"Vieni amore mio, vieni," she said gently, opening the door on her side and climbing out.

I took a shakey breathe before forcing myself to move.

Following Stefania into the house, Jeff instantly picked up on the dower mood. Instead of her usual running and jumping greeting, she tentatively approached Stefania who knelt down to stroke the lovable pup.

Jeff nuzzled her head into Stefania's hand. As she did, Stef let out the most agonising cry.

I think that sound will forever haunt me.

Jeff nervously remained by her side, forever the loyal companion.

Stefania's sobs wrecked through her entire body, forcing her to look as though she were in physical pain.

She probably was.

I was.

My heart hurt.

I joined her on the floor, the two of us needing to one another despite having nothing to give.

I held Stefania as she cried, her hands clutching my clothes as though scared I'd disappear too if she let go.

After god knows how long, Stefania fell silent.

"W-we haven't had dinner," she said after a while, tilting her head up to look at me.

I looked over at the clock on the wall.

It was late.

"Im not hungry," I admitted, knowing full well she wasn't either.

"I don't know what to do," I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"I feel useless," I added.

"There's nothing we can do bella," Stefania said, finally letting go and pushing herself up off the floor.

"I feel like we should be out there looking or something,"

"We've no idea where to even start bambina. We have to try and let the police do their job," Stef pointed out.

I nodded, not having anything else to add.

We silently made our way through the house to the bedroom. I grabbed a fresh towel before heading into the bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the hot water, letting it just flow over me as I stood there unmoving.

"Danielle?" I heard Stefania call before opening the door.

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