Chapter 48

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Danielle POV

I was sat on the sofa scrolling through my phone with my feet up on the coffee table when Amalia appeared looking very emotionally drained.

"I thought you were going for a nap sunshine?" I asked, putting my phone down.

"I tried," she said sadly, hovering in the doorway.

"Come here babes," I said softly, patting the sofa beside me.

She came to join me and was about to sit back against the cushions.

"Ahh ahh, lay your head here beautiful," I instructed, gesturing to my lap.

She curled up on her side and rested her head on my legs facing the centre of the room.

"Where's Stefania?" She asked.

"She's on a video call for Greys, they're discussing coming back to set," I explained, moving my hand to play with her hair.

"Ahh okay,"

"I'm assuming we'll be getting an email about one for Station 19 soon too," I told her.

"That would be so good," she said hopefully.

"I know, I can't wait to get back to work," I said.

"What will we tell people about us?" She asked nervously, rolling her head back over to look at me.

"We'll tell them whatever you want sunshine, I've already updated all your emergency contact details with the administration," I informed her.

"You have?" She asked in surprise.

"And your doctors and dentist, I guess that's part of the mom role that's non negotiable," I smiled, still twirling her hair around my finger.

"Thank you," she whispered gratefully.

"You're welcome sweetheart,"

"Now try and nap, Carla said you might be tired," I added.

She nodded sadly and moved to get up.

"No Mali, you can nap here sunshine," I told her, guiding her back down onto my lap. 

I reached over and grabbed the folded blanket, opening it up and throwing it over her.

"Amalia?" I said softly.

"Hmm yeah?" She yawned.

"I sort of need to tell my family soon about me being your guardian. They know you've been staying here but I should probably explain the extent of it," I told her warily, anxious of her response.

"You can tell them everything," she said calmly.

"Are you sure beautiful?" I checked.

"Yeah, they're your family," she nodded.

"How would you feel about meeting them?" I asked apprehensively.

"Who?" She replied, chewing the inside of her cheek.

I gently held her face, running my thumb across her cheek softly.

"Maybe just my mom and sister to begin with?" I suggested.

"Okay," she agreed.

"I'm so so proud of you Mali," I smiled, leaning over her and kissing her head.

"Do you think they'll be upset?" She asked with a small frown.

"No not at all my sunshine, they'll be so supportive and just glad that you're alright," I assured her, running my hand up and down her arm.

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