Chaper 113

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Danielle POV

"Sweet dreams baby girl,"

"I love you so much Amalia," I whispered softly , kissing her forehead.

I carefully began to move towards the edge of her bed, gently uncurling her fingers from around my shirt.

"Let go of mommy," I giggled, even though she was fast asleep and not listening.

Eventually climbing off her bed, I stood in the doorway for a moment, just taking her in and watching her rest. 

My girl.

My beautiful, strong baby girl.

I quietly closed her bedroom door and made my way back into the lounge to join Stefania who had poured us both a glass of wine.

"Ahhh I needed this, it's like you read my mind," I sighed, dropping down onto the sofa beside her.

She laughed and handed me a glass, now using that free arm to pull me into her. I leaned back and sank into her embrace, savouring my first sip of wine.

"Is the bambina okay?" Stefania asked, stroking over my skin with her thumb.

"She's fast asleep," I smiled.

"Poor chicken was exhausted," she pouted.

"She's had a long day, we all have," I sighed, bringing my legs up onto the sofa and relaxing into Stefania more.

"She's doing so well, especially with the therapy but it's really draining for her," I added.

"Then she just wants her mommas even more. It's a viscous cycle," Stef pouted again.

"Do you find it draining too bellina?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair.


"Hmmm si," she nodded.

"Sometimes yeah, especially if we're talking about something really heaving. But there's times I come away feeling energised and motivated," I told her honestly.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the paper on the coffee table.

"I think it's from Amalia's therapy session bella,"

I sat up a little straighter and swung my legs back around. Leaning forward, I placed my glass of wine down and picked up the paper.

"Should we be looking?" I asked, turning around to look at Stefania.

"It might be private," I pointed out.

She bit down on her lip, silently weighing up the options.

"I don't think she'd have left it out if she was worried about us seeing," Stef shrugged.

"She cried because she was over tired. You had to actually spoon feed her dinner and I got her changed for bed, I don't think she was even thinking about it," I reasoned.

"There might be something on there that we can help with," Stefania shrugged, taking another sip of wine.

"So we look?" I confirmed.

"Si, we look," she nodded.

I flipped the paper and put in between Stef and I do we could both see.

'What Amalia wants'    Was written at the top with three columns underneath.

"Oh I get it," Stefania exclaimed, staring down a the page.

"It's all the things she's ever wanted to do or to have whether when she was younger or what she wants in the future. Look, she wants us to teach her to drive," she pointed out lovingly.

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