Chapter 80

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Amalia POV

"Amalia wait up!"

Danielle, Stefania and I spun around. We were just about to reach Danielle's car to go home after a full day on set.

Carter was jogging across the parking lot to catch up to us.

"I t-thought I'd missed y-you," he said breathlessly, resting his hands on his knees and bending over to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, just super unfit," he joked, standing back up straight.

"I wanted to give you this, you said you'd never tried it," he smiled, handing me a small packet of rainbow candy.

I let go of Stefania's hand to take it from him.

"Thanks, you really didn't have to," I told him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I also wanted to give you my number, we've got a lot of scenes coming up and didn't know whether you wanted to meet up and run lines?" Carter suggested, offering me a piece of paper.

"Yeah sounds good," I smiled, reaching out again to take his second reason for sprinting across the parking lot.

A car from across the way honked its horn.

"That's my mom, gotta go. See you all tomorrow," he waved politely, quickly rushing over to the car.

"See you," Danielle waved before unlocking her car.

The three of us climbed in, Jeff nuzzling beside me, her head on my lap.

"Someone's got a new friend," mama grinned as Danielle pulled out of her usual space.

"We've been talking a little on set. He's really nice," I said innocently.

"Please don't put me through the stress of you getting a boyfriend," Danielle sighed.

"Mommm stop," I wined, feeling myself go red.

"What? You're too young Mali, you're staying my little girl for as long as possible," Danielle joked.

"It's just nice having a friend on set around my age," I replied truthfully.

"I think it's a good thing bambina, seeing as you're not in regular school like most kids," Stefania said, turning around in her seat to give me a reassuring smile.

"Would you be as worried if Carter were a girl mom?" I asked cheekily.

She eyed me through the mirror.

"Yes. Yes I would," she said firmly.

"So any friend I have you think is gonna be a potential boyfriend or girlfriend?" I smirked.

"No, well I mean.." she paused to think.

"Oh shush you, friends are allowed, relationships aren't okay?" She said finally.

"Okay mommy," I laughed lightly at her, tilting my head to look out of the window.

I gently stroked Jeff behind her ear, feeling her settle more.

"Bellina what's that?" Mama said seriously as we pulled up on the driveway.

Danielle turned off the engine and quickly got out of the car.

I tried to see what Stef had spotted by couldn't from where I was. I unbuckled my seatbelt and took hold of Jeff, keeping her in my arms as I climbed out the car.

Now seeing what Danielle and Stefania saw, my blood ran cold.

"M-Mom," I said anxiously, moving closer to Danielle.

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