Chapter 73

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Danielle POV

"Flight number LA538X is now boarding, please proceed to gate 8b"

I put my phone in my bag and patted Amalia's shoulder gently. Laying on the bench in the departure lounge, with her head resting in my lap, she pushed herself up.

Stefania stood up and made sure she had everything. I did the same and began to head towards the gate.

I checked to see Amalia was close by and realised she'd stopped.

"Amalia sunshine come on," I smiled holding out my hand for her to take.

She didn't move.

"Stef," I called, getting her to wait.

"Come on hunny, we need to get on the plane," I told her.

"I can't," she said quietly.

I sighed softly and reached to take her hand.

"You can Mali," I said assuredly.

"No, no I can't," she said, looking anxiously all around her.

"Amalia," I said seriously.

"Amalia listen to me," I said, holding both her hands in mine.

"No, no I can't do it. I can't do it," she repeated, beginning to get lost in the anxiety.

"Baby no, no no look at me. Look at me Amalia," I said seriously, trying to bring her back to me.

Her head turned quickly from side to side.

"Baby look at mommy," I said more gently now.

I crouched down a little.

"Look at mommy, focus on me Amalia," I said calmly.

She managed to bring her gaze back to me, still struggling to hold any eye contact.

"Good, good my sunshine," I praised.

"Keep looking at mommy," I repeated softly.

"You can do this Amalia," I told her.

She moved to pull away.

"Ahh ahh baby no. Eyes only on me," I said, keeping tight hold of her hands.

"You can do this because your mama and I are going to be right with you the entire time. We've got you Amalia. You're going to be okay," I assured her.

She glanced between Stefania and I.

"Bambina I'll even hold you for the entire 12 hour flight if you want me to," Stefania told her gently.

"You'll be okay Mali," I said again.

She took a shaky breath and nodded.

"Can I sit in the middle again?" She asked nervously.

"Si bambina, if that's what you want," Stefania happily agreed.

"Come on sunshine, we need to go," I said, standing back up straight but keeping hold of her hand.

The flight attendants welcomed us onto the flight and we made our way down the aisle towards our seats.

I let Stefania in the row first to sit by the window and guided Amalia in after her.

"Here beautiful, sit back," I said softly, fastening and adjusting her seatbelt for her.

"When we're in the air, try to sleep Mali. It's a late flight," I smiled, resting my arm on her jittery knee.

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