"It looks amazing. Thank you so much mama," I said, staring again at the way they'd managed to turn the garden into wonderland.
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"You're welcome bambina," Stefania smiled, her fingers running through my hair as she came to stand by my side.
I turned and hugged her, burying my face into her.
I knew people were going to start arriving soon and I was beginning to feel incredibly nervous.
Danielle's friends / collègues Emily, Madi and Daniele were already here but I was used to them being around.
"Amalia, Barrett's here," I heard Danielle call from inside.
I clung to Stefania a little tighter.
"Bella," she said softly, lifting my chin up to meet her gaze.
"Everyone's here because they love you. You're safe," she assured me.
"I k-know," I nodded.
"But I'm here if you need me," Stef added, taking hold old my hand.
She led me back inside to where Danielle and Barrett were stood talking.
"Heyyy Birthday Butterfly!" She squealed when she saw me, rushing to hug me.
"You look beautiful Amalia," B smiled, taking my hand and twirling me around like a ballerina.
"Stefania chose it," I grinned happily.
"Ahhh that women and her Italian fashion sense," Barrett said admiringly.
"I've given your present to Danielle, don't feel like you have to open it now if it's all a bit much," she said quietly, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"Thanks B," I said gratefully.
The front door opened again, Danielle's mom entered followed by Carter, Jaina and Jay.
"Happy Birthday,"
"Happy Birthday chica!"
"Mali!!! Happy Birthday,"
I couldn't believe how many people had said those words to me today. I stared in shock at the new guests.
I didn't know what to say.
"Come give me a birthday hug gorgeous girl," Jaina said, breaking what was almost about to be an awkward silence.
I walked across the room to her and gladly let her squeeze me tightly.
"You deserve this beautiful, enjoy it," she whispered as she held me close.
I nodded and hugged her a little tighter.
"Thank you," I said quietly before pulling away.
I high-fived Jay and hugged Carter before I finally got to Kathie.