Chapter 32

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Danielle POV

"Eughh! I hate this!" I heard Amalia shout from the kitchen.

I got up from the sofa and went to check on her, walking in to find her slam her fist down on the table and grip onto her head in frustration.

"Hey hey my girl," I said gently, making my way over to her.

She hid her face away from me as I took the seat beside her.

"Talk to me sunshine," I said softly, resting my hand on her lower back.

"I can't do it. It's too hard," she replied, gesturing to the school work in front of her that she's scribbled out and scrunched up.

With one hand still gripped tightly around her hair, she fell forward to lean against the table. I gently rubbed her back, just giving her some time to see if she could calm herself down.

When she didn't release the grip on her hair, I slowly moved to uncurl her fingers with my free hand.

"Nooo," she fought against me, trying to hold on.

"Shhh Mali, let me help," I said calmly.

I tried again to get her to let go. When I had her hand in mine, I kept tight hold of it. Realising she'd lost control, Amalia's frustration turned to sadness and her shoulders began to shake as she started to cry.

"It's alright Mali, get it out," I said, assuring her she was okay.

"D-Danielle," she whimpered.

"I'm here, I've got you," I said, pulling her up off the table and into my arms.

She continued to cry as I held her against me, holding her head to my chest.

"Shhhh sweetheart, you're alright,"

"It's too hard," she cried.

"I know, I know my girl," I soothed.

"He makes it too hard,"

"Shhh Mali just breathe for me. I'm going to speak to Greg," I told her.

"No! No you can't," she panicked.

"Amalia listen to me, he's not being a very good tutor if he's not setting the work at your level. You shouldn't be getting this stressed and upset over it," I explained calmly.

"He'll be angry," she said quietly.

"I don't care, he can get angry. I'm incredibly close to arranging a different tutor for you," I told her defiantly.

"You could do that?" She asked nervously.

"If he doesn't stop setting you work that's way above your level then yes," I assured her.

She nodded and fell forward again to lay her head against me.

She yawned.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" I asked.

I felt her shake her head.

I sighed and knew exactly why she was overly sensitive today. She'd not slept and it was her first therapy session with Carla. It was still on the laptop but her anxiety was playing hell with her.

"Right well we're leaving the school work today. I'll message Greg. Let's go relax for an hour before Carla video calls," I said decisively.

I took hold of her hand and led her through to the lounge. Switching on the TV, I told her to sit down while I made us both a snack.

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