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Here I am standing in front of Liam's closed door crying as Harry comes to my rescue, my heart aches at the familiarity of this situation,  I don't even turn around to meet his eyes.

"Emma, what happened?" Harry says his hands landing on my shoulder as he spins me around. His face is a mixture of rage and shock. "Did he hurt you?" He asked frantically seeing my face. I frowned reaching up to my cheek seeing blood as I pulled my hand away.

"No, it was an accident, a bottle broke." Harry looks unconvinced at my explanation. I frown, "Harry, I swear, he didn't hurt me."

"What are you even doing in his apartment? I thought you hated him?"

"I was helping him home. He was all shaky after his boxing match."

Harry narrowed his eyes at me in confusion. I shook my head making my way to my door, "His best friend is my coworker, we went to the match together ok?" I'm certain the tone I have is defensive but I'm not sure why.

I don't wait for a response either, all I want is to cry but I refuse to do that here. Not so much to put on a good face for Harry but because I know Liam can see and hear me from just beyond his door. I can't let him see how much he's hurt me.

"I'm tired Harry. Good night." I say abruptly, Harry takes a step towards me but I close the door slightly preventing him from me.

He recovers smoothly with a wave and a smile, "Good night Emma."

I nod before shutting the door on him and immediately make my way towards the bathroom. There is a cut, sharp across my cheek, about an inch long. I press a hot washcloth to it and wince in agony as it burns in pain.

After I clean up the wound I flop into bed and fall asleep instantly. I didn't sleep long, my exhaustion still present but my brain refusing to stop humming, I listened to the grumble of my stomach realizing how hungry I was.

The kitchen clock glared 5:19 on its face as I stumbled through the darkness pulling the fridge open and casting a yellow glow through the apartment. 

Empty. I closed the door realizing that I'd neglected going to the store yet this week.

I shuffled off the the bathroom turning on the shower and stripping off the clothes I wore from yesterday. My reflection was ghostly white except for the cut streaking red across my cheek.

It was swollen and ached at the slightest touch while my skin burned and felt tighter stretched over my skull with every move of my face.

I stepped into the stream of water washing away yesterday from my skin. I scrubbed my body with the soap until I felt raw then scrubbed some more for good measure.

After I dressed in my casual clothes pulling my hair up into a bun while it was still wet. I don't bother to put on makeup but I do slide my sunglasses over my eyes as I grab my wallet shoving it into my bag swiping my keys as I step out into the hall.

I cast my eyes down refusing to look at Liam's door as I quickly lock my own and move down the hallway.

Its still early and I arrive at the grocery store before the rush of the day. I wander the isles aimlessly, no one is around. I round the corner moving into the next isle but freeze.

Ahead of me is Liam with his back towards me reaching up to the top shelf for a box of cereal. I jump back bidding behind the merchandise at the end of the row. He didn't see me as he moves away from me.

Curiosity gets the better of me as I follow him throughout the store but keep my distance so as to not disrupt him.

The absurdity of this situation is not lost on me as I find myself judging his purchases. Each item he grabs is an insight into Liam. He puts a jar of peanut butter in his cart and my mind flashes to a young boy giggling at the counter while he eats a pb&j sandwich his mother made him.

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