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"What the fuck was that?" Niall swore closing my office door behind us.

"He's an asshole Niall. He hates me." I say calmly trying to brush off the situation.

"No. He doesn't. Trust me." Niall huffed angrily.

"What does that mean?"

"He doesn't hate you." Niall repeated. I rolled my eyes.

"Just drop it Ni."

"I just thought it would be different now." Niall sighed. "Between you two." He added under his breath.

"Different how?" I asked curiously.

Niall looked at me nervously. "Liam told me about you two."

"Fuck, you know we spent the night together last night? Is that why you were pestering me about getting laid last night?" I growled angrily in hushed tones.

"Wait, what? You slept with Liam?" His mouth hung open in shock.

"No! Well we slept together but that's all it was: sleeping." I explained. "Wait, what did Liam tell you?"

"He told me about the night of the boxing match, said you hung around and helped him home. He isn't a guy who says thank you very often but I could tell he was thankful you did that for him."

"He kicked me out of his apartment that night!" I snapped more angry at myself for spilling my secrets to Niall.

"What are you mad at me for?" Niall hissed back.

"I just don't understand! One minute, he is vulnerable and open then the next, he shuts down and becomes that hard exterior asshole most people know him as."

"He has issues." Niall groaned sitting on the edge of my desk. "So you slept over at his place yesterday?"

"He asked me to." I breathed sitting down in my chair. "Have you ever heard him talk about his past?"


"He told me about Trey."

"So who is he?"

"The guy he used to run with. He was the leader in the gang Liam was in." I tell him careful to not elaborate any further. I want to be the only person to truly knows all of Liam's secrets.

"So he thinks your Trey's spy? What would you be here to do, pull him back into gang life?"

"I don't think he thinks that anymore. Otherwise he wouldn't have let me stay."

"Unless he's using you." Niall scoffed.

"He's not." I say confidently but Niall's words resonate inside me sprouting seeds of doubt.

"We'll you have to be careful Em, Liam is twisted, he has a lot of issues." I nodded smiling at Niall hoping he'd know how much I appreciated his friendship. "I just don't want to see you get hurt." He added simply before walking from my office.

The rest of the day flew by as I halfheartedly worked on editing. Niall walked me out and I climbed into my car wishing I was home in a bubble bath already. I made it home quickly speeding through the lobby to avoid ken, who had made it a habit to ride the elevator up to my floor with me every night so he could keep me company as he put it. Tonight he wasn't around as I boarded the lift on my own. The metal doors pinged open as I fished for my keys walking through the hall to my apartment. I put the keys in my lock and twisted it open just as Liam's door sprang open. I turned as he quickly crossed the hallway grabbing hold of me and forcing me into my own apartment.

Before I knew it his lips were against mine as he shut the door behind us. I fell hard into his body pressing ourselves into each other. He crashed backwards leaning against the door as I kissed him back, his hands tracing all my curves and igniting a fire in my skin. "What're'ya doing?" I mumbled not taking my lips off of him.

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