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Harry stopped kissing me long enough to go check his apartment. I whispered to the wire under my shirt still watching Liam's door hoping he was still listening to me. "I'm sorry."

I left my door unlocked walking to my bedroom to change, ripping the wire and earpiece out of my ear, Harry let himself in a few minutes later.

"Hey, anything missing?" I asked him as he came into my bedroom.

"No, It looks totally untouched so I'm not really sure what whoever broke in was looking for."

"At least you know nothing was taken."

"Yeah but now that they know how to get in they might come back. I think i'll set up some cameras just to be safe."

"Do you really think that's necessary?" I asked casually sitting down on my bed and kicking my shoes off.

"I'd rather be on the offensive than waiting for something to happen. This way I'm in the drivers seat."

"You're probably right." I said softly as he sat beside me pulling me towards him.

"I'm sorry to cut the night short. I know you wanted to go out to dinner and have a nice night out." He apologized.

"Oh no worries." I brushed it off.

"There is one good thing to come out of this night, however." He smiled at me.

I thought back to the day's events not sure of what he was talking about. "What's that?" I asked confused.

"You love me." He grinned wider than i'd ever seen him do before. I tried not to feel too guilty knowing that I blurted out those words trying to save Liam's ass. I smiled and shoved him away from me playfully. "You love me a lot!" Harry teased me.

"Keep it up and I won't even like you anymore!" I joked.

"You looooooooove me!" He sing-songed laughing.

I sighed kissing him as we both settled in to comfortable positions against each other, I felt myself shift into stages of sleep, Harry beside me, neither of us leaving the comfort of the bed.

Morning came quickly and I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over thanking God that it was the weekend. I got out of bed walking to the bathroom and stepping into the shower. Letting the warm water wash over me I replayed the events of last night in my mind. I needed to talk to Liam, that was the only sure thing that I knew needed to happen.

I shut off the water towel drying my body as I stepped out of the shower. I dressed quickly and put on a light layer of makeup but nothing more than that and put my hair up still wet.

Harry had left me a note on the kitchen counter.

Hey babe,

Got to work today. Love you xx


I grabbed myself some breakfast then decided I couldn't wait to talk to Liam so I headed across the hall knocking on his door. He answered the door after a moment, I'd clearly woke him up, his hair was askew and he was shirtless still in his pajama bottoms. "Good morning." I smirked letting myself through his door.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"I wanted to see what you found out."

"I didn't find anything." He stood beside his still open door.

"Liar, you totally did, I heard you. I helped you with this stupid plan I deserve to know what you found." He begrudgingly closed the door behind us. "So what did you find?" I asked plopping down on his couch. He stood by the closed door not coming any closer to me.

"I found exactly what you told me was there." He said flatly.

"Nothing else?" I arched my brow. "Come on Liam what's Harry up to?"

"You would be better at answering your own question than I would." Liam spoke a cold tone to his voice, there was an anger there.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"No." He grunted.

"I had to distract him to save your stupid ass. You know that right?"

"You had to do what you had to do." He shrugged.

"You don't get to be mad. You fucking put me in that situation! I said the code word and you ignored me, I had no choice!" I growled in anger rising up from the couch and moving towards Liam.

He shoved me away. "At least we know how you truly feel."

I was pulsing with anger listening to him. "You rejected me!" I screamed.

"And now I'm glad I did." He spat. I quickly slapped him hard across his face, his cheek burning red instantly.

"FUCK YOU!" I was crying now. "I know you are only looking for an excuse to make yourself look better. Now you have an excuse to push me out of your life other than your sad, pathetic need to be alone."

"Get out." He whispered sadly.

"No, act like a man and stop running away from everything and everyone."

"You think I don't want to stop running? You think I want to push away everything that matters in my life?" Liam screamed back. "I killed my father! I lost the rest of my family in the process and all because of a stupid childish love."

"You didn't do that. You had it happen to you. You didn't mean for any of that shit to happen. Why must you fucking blame yourself?"

"You're just like I was, a child. I too thought that I was love, but love doesn't matter in this world, the pain can still touch you."

"I'm not the child here Liam."

"Then stop acting like one."

"I should go." I shook my head in disgust at him.

"Just tell me this: do you really trust Harry?" Liam asked as I turned the knob on the door.

"I trust him more than you."

"Then you should know that he isn't just watching me." He said coldly.

"You're expecting me to believe that Harry is spying on me?"

"Yes," A sharp knock hit the door as I let go of the handle with a startled jump back. Liam moved passed me and opened the door.

"Liam!" The stranger from Liam's picture stood in the doorway, but something was clearly wrong as blood trailed down from his hairline, his clothes were soaked in blood and dirt.

He fell forward into the door as Liam caught him dragging him inside. "Louis!" He said slamming the door shut behind him. "Fuck man, what happened?"

I rushed towards the two looping Louis' arm over my shoulder as Liam did the same on the other side, he was moaning nonsense as we laid him down on the couch, I reached for my phone but Liam stopped me. "He needs help, we have to call an ambulance."

"No, we can't get the authorities involved." He scolded me. "Lou, buddy, tell me what happened?" He cooed in his ear softly. It was almost fatherly the way he spoke to him, his hand clutching Louis', I had never seen him be so tender.

"Trey... he knows." Louis whispered before falling out of consciousness entirely. 

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