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I spent the rest of the morning watching Niall in his office. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was up to something, with Zayn no less, but he just sat there working like everything is normal. By lunch I'd literally gotten no work done. I was distracted. Liam, Harry and now Niall and Zayn were all harboring different quarters of my brain, like some pre-teen crazed girl, only focused on boys.

Groaning I got up from my desk walking out of my office. I skipped past the break room though as I went to the lift heading up to the roof. The fresh air hit my skin invigorating me. "You hiding?" Liam asked from behind me as I jumped.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked trying to regain my composure.

"I could ask you the same question." He stepped closer to me. "I was here first you know."

"I'm here now so could you just piss off?" I scowled. He smiled at me looking slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong with you today doll face?"

I exhaled heavily kicking the random pebbles around my feet, I walked away from him. "I'm sorry I just saw something that confused me this morning, I'm trying to wrap my head around it."

"You suck at wrapping your head around things don't you?" He sneered.

"Would you please just not be an ass to me once in your life."

"I would but it's too fun not to be." He laughed.

"What're you doing up here anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I'm hiding from Zayn."

"Really? What're you two going through a break up?" I joked but my mind flashed back to Niall and Zayn this morning.

"I just like my space once in a while."

"You don't really like to get close to people do you?" I observed.

"Or people don't like getting close to me." He corrected.

"Yea sure." I huffed. "Listen, lovely chat, but I'm going back to work now."

I walked back to the door tugging on the handle. It didn't move, I tugged again, nothing.

"Let me guess, you forgot to put the steel pipe in the door jam?" Liam laughed.

I glared at him. "You're shitting me." I swore.

"I guess you're stuck up here with me eh, doll face." Liam smiled as he sat down on the ground leaning against the wall like being trapped up here wasn't a big deal.

I checked my pocket for my phone but remembered that I left it on my desk. "Do you have your phone?" I asked Liam.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p' sound annoyingly.

"Shit." I swore again. "How the fuck do we get down from here?"

"Wait for the door to open." Liam suggested but I groaned. "You don't like waiting do you?"

"I'm having a bad day, which just got worse because I'm trapped on the roof of my work with you, and I've got a lot on my mind already." I spat angrily. "Forgive me if I don't want to sit up here all day, but I've got better things to do."

"Ok..." He held out the word. "We could jump." He suggested.

"You're not helping."

"No, I'm serious. We could jump, how else are we going to get off this rooftop?" Liam stood up.

"You're and idiot, and again not helpful."

"Only one of us has to jump really." Liam spoke walking closer to the edge and looking over.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now