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The rest of the day went by without any difficulty as I waved goodbye to Niall and the rest of the crew on my way out. I met Perrie by the elevator door as I remember what Zayn asked me to find out. "Hey," I asked drawing her attention. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you seeing anyone?" She looked at me confused for a moment and I instantly regretted my question. "Forget it." I say shrugging off the inquiry.

"No, it's ok. I just wasn't expecting that question. I'm single though, why?" Perrie said.

"Oh um that Zayn guy, you know the bike messenger, asked about you." I say casually.


"Yea, he seemed interested in you."

"What did he say?"

"He just wanted to know if I knew you were single or not?"

Perrie smiled. "Thanks for the heads up Emma. I've had a crush on Zayn for a while now."

"Really?" I ask.

"Ever since he and Liam started coming everyday."

"How long has that been?"

"Four years maybe?" Perrie calculated.

"Four years huh?" I remembered Harry's words in my mind about Liam moving in about four years ago, I wonder what his life was four years prior.

"So you and Liam huh? Perrie says casually jarring me back to our conversation.

"What? No! We unfortunately are neighbors, I actually can't stand him." I answer defensively.

"I gathered that much from the slap." She laughed. "You two have some history?"

"No, God no!" I stammered. "Do people think we have a history?"

"You slapped him in the break room Em, you know people are going to talk."

"What are they saying?"

"None of it is the truth Emma, just rumors." She brushed me off trying not to offend me. I smiled at her politeness, if she was going to gossip it wasn't going to be to hurt my feelings.

"We almost kissed." I blurted out, she shifted her head at me. "This weekend, Liam and I almost kissed."

"Why almost?"

"We got interrupted."

"So the slap?"

"Today and he was being a jerk and I reminded him of the almost kiss hoping that he'd be," I shrugged. "Nicer? I guess." I laughed. "Let's just say he reminded me that he is a jerk."

"I don't think he is a jerk, just has a tendency to showboat."

"Everyone keeps saying he is nice, deep down, I haven't found that side of him yet." I laughed.

"I don't really know him, Zayn let slip that he is a runaway, loner type."

"A runaway?" I frowned.

"I really don't know anything Emma, if you want to find out more about him, you should ask him." The elevator doors opened up as she left me standing alone in the box. I stepped out behind her waving her goodbye as we walked to our separate cars.

Pulling out my phone I dialed Casey's number from memory waiting for her to answer, she picked up on the third ring, "Emma!"

"Hey Case! What are you doing?" I asked happily through the receiver.

"I'm watching dumb tv."

"Wanna Zoom?"

"Yes! Now?" Casey asked.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now