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The sun crept into my consciousness as the morning rolled into view breaking forth from beyond my white curtains. I groaned rolling over in bed as I punched the pillow trying to fall back to sleep but the memories of my day with Harry yesterday flash across my mind instantly.

I push back the covers pulling myself out of the sheets as I stumbled my way to the bathroom. The clock reads 7 o' clock as I sigh turning on the water in the sink to brush my teeth. I made my sleepy way into the kitchen, deciding that I should check my mail I pull over my largest and most favorite sweater allowing it to drape over my legging clad legs as I push the brim of my thick glasses up on my nose stepping into my slippers and out of my apartment.

I am instantly greeted by the red door in front of me and the unpleasure of its resident seems to seep through the door into my memories instantly. I throw a dirty look to the door as if it was my worst enemy as I stroll down the hallway towards the lift.

The only downside to this building is that mail is all the way downstairs next to the office with the overzealous creep of a doorman, Ken. Moving in was interesting with Ken and his certainly helpful nature but with the help of her brothers Nate and Pat he kept his distance however with each visit without the protective big brothers, Ken seemed to sense that danger was over and was once again eager to get to know Emma personally.

Let's just make this quick I thought to myself as I pressed the button calling the lift up to the third floor as I stood in my lazy Sunday clothes hoping that would provide its own excuse for a short visit. Finally the lift doors ping open as I step inside.

"Hold the door!" I hear from down the hall as I frantically search for the door hold button finding it after a quick second. I smile as the stranger makes his way to the lift but instantly change my happy demeanor to the scowl I wear when I'm around him, Liam smugly steps into the lift. "Thanks." He murmurs pausing as he steps in still directly looking at me. "Doll face." He adds cockily as I roll my eyes trying to ignore him. He turns facing the door as he presses the L button for lobby.

The lift is silent between us as it begins to move. "Nice slippers." Liam scoffed looking down at my white bunny slippers, I shifted uncertainty on my feet trying not to blush in embarrassment.

I ignore him, though with each meeting I find it harder and harder. I just don't understand him, how can one person be so spiteful? I think to myself.

I stay silent trying to study him as if the more I look at him the more readily available his whole story will become to me.

He smirks at me noticing my eyes on him winking slightly. I notice he winks with both eyes, marveling at the way his eyes both close one slightly less than the other, the crinkles by his eyes evident. It might possibly be the cutest thing in the world if it wasn't so annoying.

My mind lurches back to reality as the elevator stalls the lights flickering on and off. "What did you do?" I ask harshly.

"Nothing." Liam answered back just as harshly.

"Well something happened!" I say panicky as I step forward to the control panel pushing all the buttons I could find to see if something could work.

"Oh right, because pushing all the buttons is going to make this piece of shit function properly." Liam sneered sarcastically from behind me.

"What do you have a better plan?" I ask annoyed.

"I do." Liam answered as I look over to him.

"What's that?" I ask. Liam smiles to me as he slides down to a seated position against the wall crossing his legs in front of him, criss-cross applesauce style like a child.

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