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The paramedics arrived quickly as they took Liam out of my lap. I stood beside them watching their every move. "We were in the bedroom," obviously Harry was still standing in just his boxers and I only had a light robe covering me. "Emma heard some loud noises and I came out here thinking someone was trying to break in and we found him like that." Harry relayed the information.

I was glad he was here because I couldn't even think straight as I stared at Liam lying still unconscious on the floor. "Will he be alright?" I asked softly.

The paramedics ignored me still talking to Harry over Liam's unconscious body. "How do you two know the victim?" One asked.

"He's a neighbor." Harry answered.

"You live here too?" The other asked.

"I, sort of, I'm another neighbor. But we're engaged." He nodded in my direction.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked again.

"He is badly beaten ma'am. From the looks of him I'm guessing he has several broken bones in his face alone." One of the medics said, a genuine look of sadness on his face.

"Lets go Kern." The other said indicating for him to follow, taking Liam to the rig.

"I'm coming with you." I said stepping towards Liam and holding his hand.

"Ma'am, we're not allowed to have people in the rig that aren't kin." Kern spoke.

"Besides I don't think it's best in your current- eh- state right now." The other commented looking down at my underwear.

"I'm fine, but he needs someone with him, he has no one. Please." I begged.

"Its not allowed. I'm sorry miss."

"How about we follow you there?" Harry suggested stepping up to me and hugging me from the side. Both of us grabbed clothes quickly and made our way to the car. Harry sped behind the ambulance as we trailed then to the hospital, it was deafening silence the whole ride between us, I felt like I was going to be sick.

We had to wait in the waiting room for several hours before a doctor came to ask us a few questions.

"How is he? Is he going to be ok?" I jumped up asking the doctor immediately. He held out his hands indicating for me to slow down, but I couldn't slow down, I needed to know if Liam was ok.

"Are you family?" The Dr. asked us calmly, his voice was very soothing and he was graying at the temples, if I was in any other situation I'm sure I would have been friends with him instantly.

"No. We're his neighbors." Harry said.

"We're the ones who found him." I interjected because that had to count for something.

"I'm not allowed to discuss any patient information with non-kin." The doctor said matter of factly.

"Please, he is a friend, can you just wave the rules this time?" I pleaded.

"I wish I could love. Sorry." He turned around walking from the waiting room as Harry hugged me. I was devastated and my emotions hit hard realizing I was in no way going to be able to help Liam, the tears flowed so easily.

"Shh Emma, I'm sure he is going to be fine sweetie." Harry tried to comfort me.

The doctor swung around walking back to us. "Hang on love, is your name Emma?" He asked me. I nodded not able to say words. "Come with me." He said with a smile. Harry and I held hands as the doctor weaved us through the white halls deep in the heart of the hospital.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked as we came into a different part of the hospital. A large sliding glass door was in front of us and the doctor slid it open.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now