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I shifted slightly, adjusting myself against him as he grunted from my movement. "What's wrong?" He mumbled half asleep.

"Shh, nothing. Go back to sleep babe." I whispered trying to get comfortable again.

"I would be if you hadn't woken me up." He answered snarkily with still closed eyes. It amazed me that his sarcastic sense of humor prevailed even when he was sleeping.

"You were snoring, I can't sleep when your rumbling like a freight train Li." I grumbled back.

"I don't snore." He argued back.

"Just like you don't eat." I snapped back.

"I could argue with you but I'm too tired." Liam yawned rubbing my back comfortably as I settled back in his arms.

"Please, you could argue in your sleep." I bickered back.

"Evidently, so can you." He laughed, a warm hearty chuckle, that reverberated in his chest. I laughed too.

"I guess you could say you bring out the best in me."

"I do love feisty women." Liam muttered.

"Go back to bed you moron." I grumbled making him chuckle again.

"I'm going to remember you called me a moron in the morning babe." He informed me.

"I doubt your going to remember anything about tonight." I argued back.

"Oh you just wait, I remember a lot of things, and you will rue the day you called me moronic."

"Rue the day?" I asked repeating his words. "It's two in the morning and your talking like Shakespeare."

"I am an intellectual being love, genius like mine happens any time of the day." He spoke with his best posh British accent sounded all the more proper.

I literally laughed out loud at him. "You're certainly full of it." I pecked him on the lips, the light from the moon catching on the white of his teeth as he smiled in the dark.

"If you kiss me again, I'll promise to stop talking and go right to sleep." He whispered.

"I highly doubt that's true but any excuse to make out with you I'll take." I laughed.

"That's what I was hoping you'd say babe." He kissed me and I melted into his touch our lips become one, attached together like velcro, they fit so perfectly against each other.

A loud crash sounded from the hallway as Liam and I separated and simultaneously jumped off the couch in fear. The noise continued as Liam jumped in front of me, a remarkable feat in itself since he could barley move without turning green, heading towards the door. He grabbed something from the corner of the room and I only realized that it was a baseball bat once he swung it over his shoulder. "What're you going to do with that?" I whispered panicked.

Liam turned around squinting at me through the dark apartment. "Well, I think I'm going to have a rational conversation with the bloke terrorizing my apartment and invite him to the baseball league at work!" He snarled sarcastically. "What do you think I'm going to do?"

"A baseball bat! You idiot, call the cops!" I snapped angrily back.

He held his finger up to his lips silencing me as he peaked through the peep hole. His shoulders relaxed and he dropped the bat to his side. "It's just Styles." He whispered.

"Harry?" I asked as Liam stepped aside for me to look. "What the hell is he doing in the middle of the night making all the noise?"

"EMMA!" Harry bellowed at my apartment door. I watched his back through Liam's door. He pounded on my door thinking I was inside my own apartment.

"He's obviously drunk." Liam observed flipping on the kitchen light. I blinked at the sudden brightness overtaking the room.

"EMMA OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Harry shouted even louder.

"What are you doing?" I asked Liam as he began unlocking his door.

"Emma, he is only going to get louder and more agitated the longer he's out there."

I groaned holding Liam's hand and pulling him away from the door. "Babe, I broke up with I'm and immediately got with you. He hates me, so I really don't think he can get much more aggressive and agitated that he ready is."

"Emma! I'm not leaving until you come out and talk to me!" Harry shouted again. "YOU FUCKING OWE ME THAT MUCH!"

"Or maybe he can." I sighed listening to him rant.

Liam pulled me in tight and kissed my forehead. "Babe, I'm right here, just talk to him." I nodded holding Liam's hand as I kissed him on the lips for a boost of courage before opening his door.

It cracked open creaking as it did, Harry spun around dizzily trying to focus on the sound. "Harry." I greeted him shyly.

"Of course you're in his apartment not yours." He grumbled as he looked me up and down.

I'd only just realized I was standing in an oversized pair of Liam's boxers, red plaid, and a slouching, off the shoulder, moth eaten shirt I'd worn to death. Not exactly how you want to look when you run into your ex.

"Harry it's the middle of the night and you're drunk. You should go home before you embarrass yourself." I spoke calmly trying to sooth him into relaxation.

"Why him?" He asked, there was a sadness to his voice, it sounded almost like defeat.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"You hate him." Harry spat. "More than I've ever seen someone hate another person."

"Things changed I guess."

"How can you say that? After you gave yourself to me. After you fucked me?" He sneered.

Liam stepped out from his hiding spot behind the door. "Watch your mouth Styles!" He shouted defensively.

I pushed my palm flat against Liam's chest forcing him back inside the apartment. "You got me out here to talk to him, let me finish it." I whispered.

"You don't love him!" Harry called out aggressively from behind me now. "How can you love two men at once unless you're a whore!" He was drunk and slurring but I felt his words sting and his smug grin of satisfaction burned in my mind. Liam made to push past me towards Harry but I held my ground firm.

I twirled around and slapped him, hard, across his cheek as he stumbled backwards into my door. "Don't flatter yourself, I never loved you." I snarled angrily. Lies. My brain screamed but I latched my jaw shut hoping the words would die on the journey to my tongue.

"You BITCH!" He snapped angrily.

"You're a drunk Bastard, who probably won't remember this in the morning, but I'm going to tell it to you anyway." I spoke loud and commanding of him as he stood in silence absorbing my words. "We both knew that when this started, it was only a matter of time before it ended, and in that time you knew I was never going to choose you."

I spun around walking back to Liam's door. "Go sleep it off Harry." I spat back as I stepped back into the apartment and directly into Liam's arms, slamming the door behind me.

"Babe! When did you become a badass?" Liam asked excitedly.

"I told you that you being out the best in me, remember?" I laughed hugging him as he walked me back to bed.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now