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"Emma?" Harry's voice crashes over me, his smile, those dimples, I stare into his eyes. His breath smells minty cool but I can still feel the heat from each breath. Our lips meet tenderly as I sink into his lanky frame, the soft touch of his lips only make me want him more.

I feel his hand fist my hair as he pushes me into the wall aggressively. Surprised by his aggression I open my eyes but I see Liam biting my lip not Harry. I shove him off. "Liam?" I moan breathlessly.

He puts his hand over my mouth silencing me while he kisses and bites my neck. It feels so good, but I don't want him to know that. I try to shove him off again but he clamps down my wrists to the wall like shackles.

"Let me love you baby." His voice purrs into my ear drum, but it's not Liam's, this time I find Ian staring down at me. "You have to take me back, I love you babe."

I struggle against him but he won't let go. "Ian!" I scream heavily. I feel him tighten his grip as I thrash around kicking and screaming. "I need you Emma!" He whines as he presses up against me, I feel his tongue slip into my mouth, I force myself not to gag.

A brief moment passes as he carefully brushes back my hair from my face, leaving my hand unattended for a minute. I strike smashing my fist into his skull as he groans in pain reconciling from me.

Ready to fight I jolt up tearing at my surroundings, I can feel the sweat drip from my brow, but the room has no threats. "Emma!" Harry shouts from the floor. I jump startled at his voice. He moves towards me as I begin to fight him again but he only hugs me tightly in his arms. He is too strong to fight off as I collapse weak against him crying. "It was a nightmare Emma, just a bad dream love. Everything's ok, I've got you." Harry consoled me sweetly.

I'm gasping for air still, hot and sweaty, I can feel the sticky sweat of our bodies on our skin as he holds me close. "Harry?" I look around at my dark bedroom. "Why are you in my bedroom?" I finally breath out still trying to calm down from my nightmare.

"I was on the couch when I heard you scream."

"Ok, follow up question: why are you in my apartment at all?"

"You were proper smashed after the pub, I walked you home remember?" I scan back through my memory but nothing resurfaced. "Obviously not." Harry laughed at my blank expression. "I came in to make sure you would make it to your bed and not just pass out in the bathroom." He explained.

"And you stayed?"

"You asked me too." He whispered like he was too embarrassed to admit he spent the night on my couch because I drunkenly asked him to. I felt a strum of fondness creep into me as I looked at him in the dark bedroom light, he looked sleepy and his hair was a mess, but his whole body told me he didn't care about any of that so long as I was ok.

"I had a bad dream." I whispered softly. "My ex," I added but didn't go any further. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist sitting down beside me on the bed, I let him invade my personal space, I welcomed it, as he pulled my legs over his and held me.

"I get nightmares too sometimes."

We sat there together in the darkness for a beat just existing together as we fought our own demons. "Thank you for taking care of me," I whispered. "Last night too."

"Anytime." He smiled. "You hungry?"

"Starved!" I smile getting out of bed, my clothes from yesterday still on. "Let me get dressed, I'll treat you to breakfast." I tell him as I flip on the light.

He smiles but I gasp when I see his face, his eye bruised black. "What happened last night?" I ask reaching up to comfort him.

"Ouch!" He winced cowering from my touch. "Is it bad?"

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