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I yank Perrie to the side pulling her away from the group. "You didn't tell me Liam would be here!"

"I know, I'm sorry. But to be fair you wouldn't have shown if you knew he was here."

"You're damn right!" I squeak.

"I'm sorry." She apologized again. I felt sorry for her as she cast her eyes to the floor avoiding my gaze.

"It's ok." I sighed. Perrie looked up at me suddenly surprised with my answer.

"Really? You're not mad?"

"No. I'm not mad at you." I huffed. "Him, I'm mad at." I glared at Liam.We both walked back to the group as Zayn's us into the studio. Large canvas paintings were hanging off the walls and a good crowd was milling about. Josh fell into step with me.

"Everything ok?" He asked softly with a kind smile.

"Yes. I'm sorry that was rude of me." I apologized.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you decided to stay."

"So Josh?" He nodded confirming his name. "What do you do? Perrie said something about music."

"I'm a drummer for a band."

"Wow. Any band I've heard of?" I asked.

"Umm not really, we're only small time right now."

"That's cool. What genre do you play?"

"Rock. Mostly." He shrugged.

"Very cool." I hummed running out of questions.

"Your a photographer?" He asked me.

"Yea. I work over at Capture studio."

"So you meet lots of celebrities then I suspect."

"I do." I confirm.

"Any rockstars?" He smiled.

"No, mostly just actors and athletes." I answered.

"Oh that's cool I suppose." Josh sighed sounding slightly disappointed. I wanted to keep talking to fill the silence between us but I had nothing else to say.

"Awfully quiet you two." Liam sneered from behind us. I turned around as he grinned his are still locked with the girl on it. She didn't seem to have anything to say either as she scanned around the gallery.

"You mind?" I huffed rudely.

"Not at all." Liam smiled back. I continued to walk next to Josh but I could feel Liam bearing down on me.

"So how do you know Zayn?" Josh asked but before I could answer Liam had already started to talk.

"She was lucky enough to know me, Zayn was an added bonus." Josh looked at him uncomfortably as Liam shook off the girl holding on to him and wrapped his arms around Josh and I. I elbowed him hard in the ribs forcing him off of me and pulled him away from Josh.

"Would you excuse us for a second?" I told Josh as I steered Liam away with me.

"What are you doing?" I scolded him quietly in the corner of the building.

"Nothing." He sneered.

"Why don't you just leave me alone then?" I huff pushing past him to go back to Josh.

"You are quite the juggler, how many guys have you kissed since moving here?" I turned back to Liam angrily.

"Fuck you! You're just jealous since you're one of those guys!" I snarl at him. "Besides I could ask you the same thing."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now