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Harry bought the largest elephant ear he could find sharing it between us as we navigated the crowds of people. I kept stopping in random places to snap a quick picture or two of everything that captured my eye. "What do you want to do next?" Harry asked as he watched me snap another picture. I looked up from behind the lens to him as the sound of music reached my ears, we both searched for its source finding a small group of musicians standing on the open park stage.

"Care to dance?" I asked winking to Harry who answered me with a smile and an overly dramatic bow as he took my hand spinning me under his arm.

"After you m'lady!" He laughed with his proper British accent making me smile.

The band was already playing a slower song as he put his hand on the small of my back, his other hand in mine as I rested mine on his shoulder our feet moving around in a swirl amongst the grass. I looked around in embarrassment at the groups of picnickers and other listeners stared at Harry and I dancing like fools in the middle of the small concert. "Stop thinking so much." Harry commanded as I looked back to him my cheeks flushing pink.

"I'm not!" I lied trying to let everything erase from my mind.

"Liar." Harry laughed as he pulled my in tighter to his body. I moved my hand from his shoulder to the middle of his back looping my arm under his. It felt so natural between the two of us. I relaxed more as he rubbed my back.

"We are the only ones dancing." I said stating the obvious.

"You asked me to dance." He pointed out.

"I didn't think we'd be the only two, that's a lot of pressure!"

"Psh! No one cares." Harry laughed with ease as he talked to the top of my head I stared into his chest resisting the urge to lay my head on his strong torso.

Harry stopped moving as he dropped his grip on my looking down to the little girl that stood behind him, she still had her hand on his pants leg, which she had obviously tugged on to get his attention. Harry smiled seeing her as he squatted down to her level. She watched him with awe.

"Hi sweetie!" Harry addressed her as she grinned a toothless smile back to him. I smiled watching him interact with her. "Are you lost?" He asked kindly. She shook her head as she pointed to a man who was looking for her.

"Dance!" She commanded as she grabbed Harry's hands, her little fingers clutching his long slim fingers tightly. Harry laughed just as her dad walked up to them.

He scooped her up. "Maddy! You can't sneak off like that!" He sighed relieved. "I'm so sorry about that." He apologized.

Harry shrugged. "No worries! She saw us dancing and came over to cut in I think."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys." The dad said politely.

"Actually, I think I do owe Maddy a dance. I mean if you don't mind." Harry said politely back.

The dad smiled. "Really? You sure?"

"Absolutely." Harry answered holding his hand for little Maddy to take. She grabbed his hand as they starting dancing to the fast paced song the band had just struck up. Harry grinned as I stood back with the father watching him dance.

Harry was sweet. Probably the sweetest guy on the planet, he danced with Maddy for a few songs smiling and laughing with her as they both danced goofily. I felt my cheeks hurt from the amount of time I spend smiling as I watched them. The little girl's father stood next to me with a smirk spread across his face, I had all but forgotten he was there as my entire focus was with Harry and his new dance partner. "Your boyfriend is really sweet." He whispered scaring me out of my daydream.

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