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Every time I closed my eyes my mind relived the kisses, flashing back and forth between the two men, each kiss tormenting my dreams. I couldn't sleep. The morning light was a welcome sight as I rose from bed thankful to have survived the night.

I got ready quickly and left before my mind took over with thoughts of lips again, soft, plump lips.

A local coffee shop served as another welcome break from my own mind as the aroma of coffee beans soothed me over. By the time I arrived at the office I, as expected, was first. Coffee in hand I began working on the stack of files piled high on my desk.

Busy work. Nothing to let my mind wonder to Liam or Harry. The office started to fill up as Niall walked into my office.

"Diamond! Yesterday was torture without you here." He sighed. I smiled over to him relaxing slightly.

"Sorry, weird stomach bug." I lie with a shrug. I'm surprise how smoothly that excuse came though.

"We all missed you." He said leaving my doorway toward his office. I grin settling back into my work. The schedule is blocked off as I see an appointment with some guys by the name of Jack and Finn scribbled onto my books. I wonder how two seemingly ordinary people end up in a studio like Capture. A knock sounds on my door as I look up to see Perrie. I wave her in. "Hi, I'm not interrupting am I?" She asks.

"No, I'm just trying to figure out who the bloody hell who Jack and Finn Harries are." I say sarcastically.

"They're YouTubers." She informs me.

"What like professionally?" I laugh.

"Yea. They are twins that are cute and cheeky who travel the world and make short films together."

"That's a job?" I say dumbfounded.

"It's rather American wouldn't you say?" Perrie hints.

"You're right." I laugh. "What did you come in for?"

"I was going to see what you wanted to style the Harries twins in, for their shoot, you know."

"Umm, what do they normally wear?"

"College boy outfits."

"Hipster or baggy jock style?"

"Oh hipster for sure." She laughs.

"Ok, good. Stick to that. But like take it up a notch, but without looking like we're trying to take it up a notch, you know?" I explain randomly.

"Ok, sure." She says uncertainty.

"Just do what you always do, it usually turns out great." I sigh realizing my strengths are better left up to photography.

"Thank you." She answers genuinely to my compliment. "Feeling better today? Everybody missed you yesterday."

"Everybody? I'm sure everyone got their gossip fill without me here." I scoffed. Perrie looked scared for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm on edge," I apologized. "I just had a stomach bug." I answered.

"I'm serious! We all missed you! Even Liam asked about you." I perk up like a dog's ears at the sound of Liam's name.

Before I can stop myself from asking my mouth blurts out "Liam did?" in shock.

"Yea he showed up at lunch like usual and then cornered Niall asking twenty questions about why you weren't there. I was weird, like he knew something was wrong, but he didn't want to say."

"Well he probably just was sad he missed a chance to mock me at lunch. I've clearly become is prey." I suggest shrugging it off.

"No, it wasn't like that, more like genuine concern for your health. He almost seemed protective over you."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now