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"Emma?" I woke up to his lips pressed on my temple. His eyelashes fluttered against my face tickling me awake.

"Hey." I whispered with my sleepy voice. Harry looked up happily at me.

"You're so cute when you sleep." He gushed.

"You're such a liar, but you're sweet." I laughed rolling over onto his chest.

"I'm serious. You do this adorable little snore."

"I do not snore!" I object.

"You do too! Like this little yipping noise," he copied my apparent snoring sounds. "I could wake up to that everyday." He admitted making me blush.

I kissed him rolling him onto his back. "You're sweet, but I don't snore." I pecked another kiss on his lips then left him lying there on the bed.

He propped himself up resting on his elbows. "So what's the plan today." He looked as sad as he could as I tossed his shirt to him.

"Tonight is the rehearsal dinner for Casey and Andy. So I have to go to the store so I can get some stuff to make some pasta salad." I said changing my top as I spoke.

"Ok, mind if I tag along?" Harry asked changing his pants. I watched him shimmy into the legs of his skinny jeans with a grin on my face.

"Of course not. You're my slave today Styles. Anything I say goes!" I joke as I check my reflection in the mirror finger combing my hair.

"That only sounds fun if there's handcuffs involved." He whispered standing behind me and wrapping me up in his arms.

"You wish." I snickered at him before opening the door. We walked into the kitchen, my parents were sitting there enjoying their morning coffee, Nate was nowhere to be found.

"Morning." My dad greeted us.

"Hi." I greeted him back pouring myself and Harry cups of coffee. "Mom I hope you don't mind of Harry and I take over your kitchen later, I've got to make pasta salad for Casey's rehearsal dinner tonight."

"Oh not at all, it's time someone besides me uses this kitchen." She added sarcastically with a nod to dad.

"Hey, I cook!" He defended himself.

"What time is the dinner?" She asked ignoring my dad.

"Uh 7, but the rehearsal starts at 4 so we've got to go." I said checking my watch.

My dad slid his keys across the table. "She's waiting for you." I scooped up the keys kissing both of them on the cheeks as Harry and I made our way to the driveway.

The grocery store wasn't too crowded but it did take a minute to find a suitable parking spot. I jumped on the back of a cart wheeling myself across the lot as Harry chased after me finally jumping onto the same cart. We sped into the store. "So what's on the list?" He asked as I drove the cart to the pasta isle.

"Well, we're short on time here, how about we split the list?" I say tearing it in half and handing the other piece to him.

"Race you?" Harry smiled gleefully.

I laughed But shook my head yes. "Sure."

"What're the stakes?" Harry asked rubbing his hands together eagerly.

"How about you pick." I say putting my first item in the cart.

"If I win, we go on an official date." Harry states.

"And if I win?" I ask putting the second item from my list in the cart without his notice.

"I'll make this pasta dish for you."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now