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Climbing the stairs back up to my apartment I racked my brain over the elevator ride with Liam. We were so close, and I wanted to kiss him, he wanted to kiss me too. I felt odd. Not sick so much as disappointed. I could feel the hope rise up inside me as the thought of maybe he isn't so bad floated through my mind.

I arrived on our floor as I walked towards my door. Curiously I turned to look at Liam's door hoping it would provide answers as to what just happened, like he and his apartment were connected and I could seek the answers I needed from his door. Cautiously my feet moved over to his side of the hallway as I reached out touching the old harsh wood. Its paint was chipped as red flakes fell from my touch. I could feel as magnetic force holding me there for a moment as I just stood there holding on to his closed door.

I shook my head finally moving back to my side of the hallway.

Monday morning came too quick as I walked the distance of the parking lot into Capture. I pushed open the door smiling at Sarah as I walked to the lifts. I was early as I arrived to our floor first snaking my way through the office to my desk. A small stack of zip drives sat waiting for editing as I popped one in the computer while pouring myself some coffee from the pot by my desk. The file opened revealing the cast of Downton Abbey as I scrolled through their photos.

I hummed to myself as I worked while the rest of the office strolled in from their morning commutes. I zoomed in trying to focus on one bit of a picture to clean up as I worked in complete concentration. "Did you know you stick you tongue out when your concentrating?" Niall said startling me as he leaned on my extra shelf.

I hadn't notice him enter at all. "Jesus Niall!" I swore clutching my palm to the place above my heart.

"It's kinda cute you know, like an adorable tick." He added not reacting to my personal heart attack.


"Your tongue," He nodded to me. "You stick it out when you concentrate like this." He gestured for me showing me his tongue. I laughed.

"I get that from my dad. My brothers do it too." I told him.

"Funny how that stuff gets passed on isn't?"

"Monkey see, monkey do."

"You coming to lunch then?" Niall asked pointing with his thumb over his shoulder.

"Lunch? It's only" I looked down at the clock on my desk seeing 12:25pm. "Holy shit it's 12:30 already?" I gasped wondering where the day had gone.

"Maybe if you weren't doing that tongue drooling thing you would have noticed that it's been a slow day." Niall laughed.

"Shut up!" I laugh grabbing my lunch from my personal fridge. The two of us walk into the kitchen joining everyone else. Liam and Zayn are across the room, a freshly delivered box sits next to Perrie as she chats with Zayn, Liam obviously not listening to them as he matched my eye contact.

I stared at him thinking about our elevator glitch yesterday, he gave me a half smile as I entered, I couldn't help but smile back. "Hey Liam!" Niall said happily as he walked over to greet us.

"Hi." He said politely.

"Have a good weekend mate?" Niall asked, I waited for his answer eager if he would mention the elevator or our almost kiss.

"Same old, same old." Liam shrugged. I felt deflated but didn't know why. His eyes tracked mine as I looked away hoping he wouldn't see my disappointment. "You ok over the doll face?" Liam asked smugly. I felt my disappointment grow as rage took over.

"I'm fine." I answered angrily.

"Wow, not having a good day are you doll?" Liam laughed.

"I was until you showed up actually."

"Ouch." Liam smirked.

"Maybe I should leave you two alone." Niall mumbled jetting off to another part of the kitchen before I could stop him. Liam sat down next to me.

"You know after the elevator ride I thought things might have changed." I leaned in close whispering to him.

"You think one stupid elevator ride is going to change things?" Liam laughed.

"You tired to kiss me!" I huffed quietly letting my anger grow.

"Let me spell it out for you doll face, an elevator breaks down and I'm stuck with you, so in my mind it's either listen to you nag me relentlessly or make out."

"How dare you!" I snarl.

"Doll face, let's just say, you're not the first girl in an elevator for me." Liam whispered. I slapped him across the cheek, he turned away from me cupping his wounded cheek, the rest of the kitchen watched in shock as I stood up fleeing the room.

I step out of the building fuming from Liam's words. The cool air spark my senses as I run my hands through my hair sitting down on the front steps of the building, I try not to but as soon as I sit down on the curb I start crying. "Good hit." A voice called out from behind me. I turned to see the jet black hair and brown eyes of the tattooed bike messenger that is always with Liam. He had a cigarette hanging between his lips as he sat down beside me. I wipe away the tears.

"Thanks." I smile weakly. "It's Zayn right?" He nodded. "You work with Liam?" I asked. He nodded again. "You don't talk much do you?"

This time he shrugged.

"You shouldn't let him get you so worked up." Zayn finally spoke.

"He is an asshole."

Zayn laughed. "He is isn't he?"

"How do you put up with him?"

"He is hard to crack, but once you get past the hard exterior he is really a nice guy."

"So I've been told." I groan. I look down at Zayn hands noticing spray paint on his fingers. "You paint?" I ask catching him off guard.

"Yea, how'd you know?"

I point to his hands. "Artist manicure."

"I dabble." He shrugs.

"Well, Zayn it was lovely to meet you but I should go back inside." I say standing up, he stood next to me.

"It was good to meet you too, " He paused as I realized I never said my name.

"Emma." I tell him.

"Emma." He repeats with a smile. I nod shaking his hand before turning away. "Hey Emma?" Zayn calls after me.


"Do you know if Perrie is possibly seeing anyone?" He asks shyly.

"I'll let you know." I say with a smile.

He smiles happily as his face lights up. "Oh and Emma, don't let the bastards get you down."

"I won't. See you tomorrow yea?" I say holding the door open for myself.

"Perrie seems to order lots of deliveries." He replies happily waving goodbye to me. I step back inside grinning at his last words. Don't let the Bastard get you down. My hand burning slightly from my slap, the feeling of satisfaction. 

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