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Sleep must have overtaken me quickly because the next time I opened my eyes the morning light was filtering in. Liam wasn't sleeping next to me anymore as I rolled over. I could hear voices in the living room as I slowly yawned and stretched out my muscles.

"You slept with her?" Louis' voice caught my attention.

"No, Louis I shared a bed with her, there's a difference mate."

"So what does that make her?"

"Louis drop it."

"I'm just trying to figure this out. It took you six months to even talk to me when you met me, and here is some girl who you say means nothing and yet she is involved in all this shit." I listened intently on their conversation, not all that different to the first time I'd eavesdropped on them discussing me.

"She is my neighbor Lou." Liam spoke in the tone I'd come to recognize as him warning whoever he spoke with to drop it.

"Fuck that, neighbors don't sleep in the same bed together Liam."

"What do you want me to say Tommo? That I care for her, that she is more than just a neighbor. Is that what you want to hear?" Liam snarled at him. I was fully holding my breath now as they spoke.

"I just want to know how far you're willing to go when she gets into deep with this shit storm." Louis said quietly. I leaned off the edge of the bed closer to the door so I could hear them better.

"Trey wants Danielle, Emma has nothing to do with any of this."

"Had." Louis corrected. "You let her into your mess, now she knows too much."

"How about you just worry about finding Danielle before Trey does ok?" Liam snapped finally.

"I'm telling you she it's going to be bad news bro." Louis huffed.

They stopped talking as I flopped back down on Liam's bed grumpily. I laid there for a bit longer then eventually got up crossing over to the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes stiff from their hanger they dried to last night, putting them on and walked out of the room.

Liam was in the kitchen sitting on the stool reading from a folder. Louis was at the window scanning the view. "Morning." I spoke as they both turned to see me.

"Morning," Liam replied, his voice was awkward as if he didn't want to speak at all. I could cut the tension in the room with a knife, Louis watching me and Liam like a hawk. "Help yourself to breakfast, I'm going to take a shower." He snapped as he made his way back into the bedroom.

I watched him go trailing his path with my eyes.

"You know, I never thought I'd ever see Liam more in love than when he was with Dani, now I know I was wrong." Louis spoke up from the window. He was watching me and I'd forgotten he was there.

"What are you talking about?"

"Liam, in love," he paused. "With you."

"He's not in love with me." I said with a snort.

"I know Liam, I've seen him in love." Louis assured me.

"You're crazy if you think Liam loves me."

"What if I think you love Liam. Am I crazy then?"

I stayed silent hoping my lack of words wouldn't incriminate me more. It did the opposite. "Ah, you love him, take heart Emma, he loves you back." Louis said happily.

"He loves Danielle." I argue.

"No, he loved Dani. She rejected him that night when she didn't go with him."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now