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I stepped into my apartment closing the door behind me. I could still taste his lips on mine as I walked to the kitchen pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge. I didn't even bother to get a glass as I drank straight from the bottle.

I pulled open my laptop grabbing a zip drive from work I had yet to edit. I groaned rubbing my eyes knowing it was late but I needed to finish this before bed. I corked the wine knowing it would only make me more tired and began the long task of editing.

Half past one in the morning I groaned yawning and stretching out. I jumped violently at the sound of someone knocking on my door. Suddenly wide awake I approached the door with caution slowly peaking through the peep hole. "Liam?" I asked pulling the door open.

He stood in flannel pajama bottoms and a grey tank top with no shoes on. "What's wrong?" I asked breathless.

"Coffee makes me jittery." He shrugged.

"Its 1:30 in the morning." I yawned. He stood there staring at me. "Try some warm milk." I suggest going to shut the door on him.

"I was thinking something else would help." Liam whispered as I stopped.

"What's that?" I asks leaning on my door.

Liam stepped towards me pressing his lips to mine before I can even react he is closing my door behind us. I don't mind though as I hold his neck kissing him back.

"What're'ya doing?" I ask with his mouth still on mine. He continued to kiss me without an answer.

"I have work in the morning." I complain with his hands tracing all over my skin.

"So do I." He whispered.

"Wait! Just stop kissing me for a minute I need to think." I huffed pushing him off me. He laughed smiling a genuine smile at me.

I pointed at the edge of the couch indicating he should sit which he does. I step back spacing us apart sitting on the kitchen barstool.

"Why are you so far away?" Liam asked.

"Because I know if you're next to me we'll continue kissing and right now I need to think."

"What do you need to think about?"

"What you are doing in my apartment at 1:30 in the morning."

"I told you I couldn't sleep."

"So you came over for a booty call. Sorry mate but I am not that girl."

He stood up stepping to me. "I came over because I couldn't get you out of my head." His lips were trembling close to mine. I wanted so badly to close the gap between them and my own.

"Liam, I can't." I whimper turning away.

"I can't stop thinking about you, you're a tremendous pain in my ass, and stubborn to say the least. But despite that, I crave you." He purred with his hand caressing my chin as he turned me back to him.

I jolt awake as my phone buzzes loudly on the kitchen table. I am breathing heavily as the images of Liam in my mind begin to fade. I don't move letting my mind register that it was only a dream. The clock reads a half past 7 as I swear because I'm already late for work. Quickly I hurry and get dressed skipping a shower as I toss my hair into a ponytail. In five minutes I am out the door and on my way.

I groan as I get to the parking lot only to realize that I drove to the gallery last night but walked home with Liam. My car is not going to get me to work today.

Dialing Niall's number I pray for him to answer. "Hello?" He says with a groggy voice.

"Niall!" I sound panicky. "I overslept and my car is parked downtown. Is there any chance I could persuade you to come pick me up?"

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now