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It was early, the rain trapped the glass window off Liam's bedroom add I lazily laid in his arms. He was still asleep and yet I couldn't tear myself away from him. I just say there staring at him while I combed lightly through his brown hair. He had thick stubble growing on his strong chin and the way his chest moved up and down with each breath of air into his lungs was mesmerizing.

I forced myself to get out of the bed telling myself he would be there still after I'd fixed myself a cup of coffee. It was all so surreal, I actually could catch myself thinking it wasn't real, that at any moment my mind would betray me again and Liam wouldn't be mine anymore. That I'd wake up only to realize it was all too good to be true. I couldn't shake the feeling.

Walking into his kitchen in search for his coffee I scanned the fridge seeing the picture of him and Louis together, the pang of guilt strumming inside me as I'd remembered the picture I'd taken of Danielle sitting in my dresser drawer. I located some grounds in a cupboard and scooped them into the small pot sitting on the counter. The coffee percolated while I stood waiting for it, wishing the caffeine would absorb by scent even before taste.

Suddenly a phone rang scaring me enough that I actually jumped in fright. Feeling foolish I looked for the source of the ringing and spotted Liam's phone on the couch. I picked it up looking at the caller ID, but it only read a number. I set it down not wanting to break Liam's trust by answering his phone without his knowledge.

A moment later a text popped up from the same unknown number. "It's me."

I read it so quickly I didn't even get the chance to tell myself not to. My mind whirled in confusion as I tried to put a name to the words. Who was I kidding through? It could be anyone and to claim I knew Liam so well I could narrow down his social list was a joke, I had no clue about Liam more than what he has told me.

I ignored the phone walking back to Liam's room. He was still sleeping under the covers, I crawled back into the bed making him stir awake. "Sorry, go back to bed." I whispered as he looked at me with groggy eyes.

"I'm up." He whispered crawling closer to me, our noses touched, as he rested his forehead against mine.

"You are looking better today. Less bruised."

"You're compliments need work babe." He grinned.

"You know I meant that as a good thing!" I laughed. "You look less shitty than yesterday."


"Hey if it's any consolation I still think your cute no matter how shitty you look."

"I can let my stunning physical appearance go knowing you'll still love me then?" He joked.

"To an extent." I arched my brow.

"You can't have it both ways doll."

"But it's more fun if I can." I whined, he shrugged.

"I don't make the rules doll."

"No, you just break them." I teased.

"Girls love the bad boys." He shrugged getting out from under the sheets. His skin black and blue around his ribcage as he winced slipping a shirt over his head.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed attempting to tie his converse sneakers on.

"Out. I've got something I need to take care of." He answered vaguely.

"Liam, you're supposed to be taking it easy, not out running errands." I informed him trying not to sound too nagging.

"I know, I will be back soon, I've got to meet Zayn for some work stuff." He leaned over kissing me sliding a baseball cap on his head.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now