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The door shut behind us as I turned back to Liam. He immediately shoved me into the wall kissing me hard on my lips. I pushed him off. "What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

He looked at me with a smug grin. "Come on doll face, its 3 am and you're knocking on my door." He stepped back to me trying to kiss me again but I put up a fight.

"I should go." I pushed past him to the door.

"You came here! You obviously wanted to see me."

"See you, yes, talk to you, yes, but fuck you? That wasn't my intention." I hurled my anger back to him.

"Well fuck! How's a guy to know when you fucking sneak out of my apartment then leave for a weekend? You showed up tonight for some reason."

"Is that what this is about? You're upset I left your apartment and the country for a weekend without asking you Liam. News flash, I don't have to ask your permission to do things, I don't answer to you!"

"Why did you leave then without so much as a word?"

"I thought I was no body?" I asked him angrily.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He furrowed his brow at me. "We had a nice date."

"Thats what I am to you right?" I asked again.

"You left after a good night between us. Are you sure I'm not no body to you?" Liam spewed harshly back at me.

"Coming here tonight was a mistake." I muttered making my way towards his front door. He stopped me.

"Thats probably true." He sneered. "Go ahead run from your problems."

"I'm not running away!" I bellowed back to him.

"Oh really? You ran away from home, you ran away from me and now you're scared again because dear perfect Harry is just too much to handle. You see the pattern doll face? If you aren't running Emma you're sabotaging things for yourself at every step." I slapped him hard across the face. He glared at me his chest heaving up and down in anger but he held it in. I wanted him to hurt the way his words had hurt me. I started to hit him over and over beating on his chest but he didn't stop me and eventually I collapsed amidst weepy tears into his arms and he wrapped me up in a hug.

"I hate you." I whispered.

"I hate me too." He whispered back as he rubbed my back calming me down, his chin resting atop my head.

The next morning came as a surprise as I woke up not remembering ever falling asleep. I was on Liam's couch, I glanced over at his closed door. Nothing happened I told myself.

I got off the couch folding up the blanket and putting the pillow on the end of the couch neatly. It was still early and thanks to jet lag I was up before I even needed to be. I carefully tip toed over to the fridge pulling a blank note pad off its magnetic perch and jotted Liam a note. I didn't want to just leave this time.


Thanks for letting me crash here last night.


I snuck out of his apartment carefully and quietly unlocking my door across the hall. I was hoping Harry was still sound asleep and hadn't noticed that I had snuck out for the entire night. Stepping into my room I could hear his soft snores coming from the mop haired sheet tangled mess in my bed. I crept through the room making sure I wasn't going to wake him still and went to the bathroom.

Showering off the last few days felt nice. I was refreshed and ready to head back to work. I checked my bag making sure I had everything that I needed as I got dressed beside the bed, I didn't care if Harry woke up or not now, but I kept quiet letting him sleep. Then I kissed him on the forehead whispering that I hoped he had a good day as I left the bedroom.

I too decided to leave him a note.


You're welcome to stay as long as you want and please help yourself to food in the fridge. I will talk to you later I'm sure. Have a good day at work.

Emma xo

The xo seemed like a girl-friendly thing to do, even though I had yet to actually confirm we were dating. I left for work locking my door and the sleeping Harry inside.

I was in a remarkably good mood for as little sleep as I got last night. As I pulled up to Capture Studios I found myself looking forward to seeing all my coworkers and actually doing the work that I loved. Niall was the only car I recognized in the lot besides my own. He was like me always eager to get to work and do what he loved. I flashed my badge getting into the building and made my way to the lift.

Reaching my floor I waited for the doors to open before heading right to my office. It was still dark but I could see Niall's lights on in his office. I turned the corner around the cubicles in the main area and could see two silhouettes through the frosted glass of his office. I hesitated for a moment wondering if I should pop in like I planned or just let Niall finish with the stranger.

"What's the update on him?" Niall asked.

"He seems off, distant and even grumpier then before, if that's possible." The other voice answered. Zayn's voice.

I stopped curiosity getting the better of me as I listened intentionally in on them. My brain buzzed in anxiousness. "You think it's about her?" Niall asked.

"Probably, They have some bond that I just can't figure out." Zayn replied. "Plus Mr. Lead agent, can't seem to focus on anything but her right now as well. He seems to have forgotten she isn't the one we're supposed to be protecting."

My head was spinning with questions. Who are they protecting? Who needs their protection anyway? And this girl... who is that?

"Yea I noticed that." Niall spoke again. Just stay on him, don't worry about the girl until we have to, he still trusts you right?"

"Yea, my cover isn't blown yet. But he is getting in too deep with the girl, he is going to shit on this whole operation if we don't keep an eye out on her too."

"You just leave me to worry about that Malik." I could sense the conversation was almost over as I ducked into a cubicle hiding from view. The door to his office opened and Zayn walked out leaving the building quickly. I stayed put hoping Niall wasn't still watching out his doorway.

Deciding it was safe enough after a few minutes I crept low through the cubicles over to my office before standing upright. I opened the door sitting in my desk chair tying to interpret what I had just overheard. A soft knock on the door jarred me back into reality as Niall popped his head in. "Hey welcome back!"

"Hi, thank you!" I answered.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yea, maybe a little too much fun, I'm still tired from it all. I said honestly.

"I'm glad your back! We missed you around here." Niall said genuinely.

"Thanks it's good to be back." I smiled.

"If you need anything you know where to find me." Niall said as he started leaving my office.

"Sure thing, Oh was that Zayn I just saw a minute ago? Seems a bit early for bike deliveries." I asked trying to sound casual.

Niall frowned slightly. "I dunno, didn't see him." He lied smoothly. "Probably here to get something from Perrie." He left my office quickly with that as I watched him go through the glass more confused that ever.

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