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The sky rumbled with thunder clouds as the heavy rain pelted the window. I stood by the window watching the rain drops race down the glass, Harry set the record player on to a jazzy album and grabbed me from behind twirling me into his arms we started to slow dance in the middle of my living room. I smiled relaxing into his chest.

We danced to the music as the lightning flashed across the stormy sky. I rested my cheek against his shoulder as he hummed along to the music. "My mom's been asking all about you." Harry spoke from above my head which was tucked safely against his chest as his chin rested on top of my head.

"Oh yea?"

"Pretty sure that, just from the one night you met her, she likes you more than me now." Harry chuckled.

"I am far more charming than you Haz." I teased.

"Oh really?" He started tickling my sides as I squirmed away from him laughing and slapping his hands away. I grabbed a hold of his hands locking my fingers with his as we pushed back and forth at each other. He kissed me making me forget about our battle as I settled back into his arms. "I love you." He whispered happily.

"I love you too." I returned the sentiment genuinely.

"You should take tomorrow off." He suggested randomly.

I smiled but shook my head no. "You know I'm swamped at work babe."

"Play hookie just for one day. We could go to that bed & breakfast place tonight and just lay in bed together. Drink some wine, get massages, try some new things." He winked at me as my heart raced with the excitement of it all.

"I wish I could." I groaned. "But what's to stop us from trying new things here sweetie?" I lent in nibbling his ear as he moaned in pleasure.

He held me at arms length. "Hold that thought babe. I need to say something before you get me into bed." I smiled. "You know how much I love you right?" Harry asked.

"Of course."

"Good, Because when I'm with you it feels like magic. I have to remind myself that I'm not dreaming about you but that I'm actually awake and you're actually real."

He smiled like a little boy, that shimmer of pure jubilation twinkling in his green eyes. I watched him happily. "What I have with you I don't want in anyone else. Emma," He bent down in front of me, one knee up and the other down. I gasped realizing what was happening as he pulled out the tiny box from his pocket. "Please, marry me?"

"Harry! Are you serious?" I asked shocked. He plucked open the box and a shiny ring sat inside. I nodded a quick yes as he slipped the ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

He kissed me picking me up off the floor and twirling me in circles around the room.

"I need to call Casey!" I exclaimed as he put me down, I searched for my phone, but he stopped me swooping me back into another hug.

"How about you and I just celebrate a little bit on our own? Since someone won't play hookie tomorrow." He teased me.

"Mmm," I hummed winking at him. "What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking you and me in bed. Naked." Harry purred in my ear.

"Oh really?" I whispered seductively back. Harry smiled scooping me up bridal style and walked me to my bed.

He tossed me back down on the mattress before jumping enthusiastically on the bed, like a little kid testing the springs, I giggled at him as we tumbled into each other's arms. "I love you!" He exclaimed as my top came off my head leaving my bra exposed. Harry kissed around my cleavage tenderly as I unbuttoned half of his shirt then frustratingly ripped the rest off the shirt open tearing it straight off its buttons.

"I never liked that shirt anyway sweetie." Harry laughed while I rubbed my hands over his chest.

"Shut up and kiss me will you!" I begged him pulling him back on top of me.

The storm was still raging outside as the lighting flashed about the room and the thunder echoed in the distance. Harry's long fingers slipped into my pants sliding them under my panties as I gasped excitedly. A moment later he had my pants off and I kissed his chest working on unbuckling his pants. We rolled around the sheets in our underwear kissing passionately. A loud thudding noise sounded from the living room as I stopped kissing Harry. "What was that?" I asked.

"The thunder babe." Harry murmured still kissing my neck. I moaned as he sucked on a sensitive spot on my neck. My hands tangled up in his wild curls, our lips meeting again, growing more attached to each other.

The noise caught my attention again as I stopped kissing Harry again. "Babe." He whined and I hushed him.

"That's not thunder Haz. Just listen!" We both sat silently in our underwear listening for the noise again.

"I don't hear anything." He whispered starting to kiss my neck again. I shoved him back. "Babe, come on." Harry whined.

Suddenly the noise sounded again making both of us jump. Then again and again. Someone was trying to break down my front door.

Harry jumped up standing in front of me, grabbing the baseball bat my brother left as security when I moved in, I'd never thought about it being useful until now. "Stay here, lock the door!" He commanded me rushing out of the room.

I ignored him and cautiously followed him out into the living room grabbing my robe to cover up. Harry held the bat over his shoulder as he reached for the door handle swinging the door open. A jumble of body parts crashed into the floor falling into my apartment. Harry stepped over the guy looking into the hallway for more intruders but there were none.

I stepped closer seeing the bloody and mangled face of Liam lying limp on my wooden floor. "Oh my God." I gasped rushing over to him. "What happened to him?" I asked no one in particular.

"He isn't bleeding anymore, he was beaten before, whoever did this brought him back here." Harry spoke from behind me.

"Call 911!" I yelled as Liam clamped his hand over my wrist holding on to me tightly. I snapped back to him seeing his brown eyes locked on my face.

"Emma." He whispered.

"Liam! We're getting help. You're going to be fine!" I barked at him.

"Emma, I- I..." his voice broke up as his eyelids fluttered fighting to stay open.

"LIAM! Open your eyes Liam. You've got to stay awake." I coached him as I tugged his head into my lap. His blood was all over as I caressed his head trying to get him to stay alert.

"I'm sorry." He whispered weakly. "I-I-I should've told you-u before." He stammered as he coughed up more blood.

Harry was dialing 911 on his phone.

"Told me what Liam?" I was crying now as I looked down at him.

He smiled slightly before the grin turned into a grimace. "That I love you." He confessed coughing more blood out before he passed out entirely, his hand letting go of my wrist as it fell limp at his side.

"Liam! No Liam wake up, wake up!" I bellowed my tears falling onto his bloody face. I leaned down close to his head and cried holding onto his lifeless body.

"I'm in love with you too." I whispered back.

"Emma." Harry spoke from behind me making me jump, I'd forgotten he was there. "The police are on their way." He told me.

I nodded acknowledging that I'd heard him but I remained sitting with Liam laying in my lap as I cried uncontrollably. Harry hugged me from behind trying to soothe me as we waited for the police to arrive.

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