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The rest of the week went by smoothly, Niall and the rest of the gang even rolled out a surprise mini party for my first week, but I was thankful that it was the weekend.

I walk out into my kitchen looking out the large windows that lookout onto the city in full as the sun blankets the buildings. My iced coffee sitting in a Mason jar, which ironically was the only thing I could find in my cabinets because I had still refused to unpack my boxes.

My attention changes to the door as I hear a knock, I make my way to the door coffee in hand as I tug the knob open.

"Harry?" I answer surprised to find him on the other side of the door. He smiles at me, in black jeans and white converse shoes with a denim shirt on over a Rolling Stones t-shirt, sunglasses hanging off the collar and a black beanie hiding most of his curls but a few manages to poke out regardless.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asks goofily.

"What? Oh no. I just wasn't expecting anyone." I laugh.

"So no plans then?"

"Just a lazy Saturday."

"Good because I was just about to go down to the Farmers Market just down the street and I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"Really?" I smile happily as I take another swing of my coffee. Harry grins even more. "What?" I ask smiling back at him.

"I wasn't sure if you would like the farmers market or not but now that I see you..." His voice trails off as he scans down my outfit of boyfriend jeans and a large oversized grey sweater my large framed glasses falling down my nose. "I think you will fit in nicely." He finished smugly.

"I hope you don't mean that as an insult!" I laugh as I move off to grab my keys and my bag following him out into the hallway.

"I surely don't!" Harry smiled raising his right hand in scouts honor. We walked down the hall laughing making as we hit the lift doors. Reaching the lobby I noticed the receptionist eying me, he gave me the creeps always flirting with me even though he was several years older, "Where you of to Emma darling?" He called out from across the lobby.

"Just out for the day." I answered curtly trying not to cringe at him as I grab Harry's arm forcing him to move faster out of the lobby.

"Don't be gone too long or I might start to worry!" He called after me as I gave him a fake pity laugh before stepping outside.

Harry followed me out of the building with a smile as he slipped on his sunglasses. "I think you might have an admirer back there." His raspy voice mingled with laughter as I groaned slightly shoving him away from me.

"Shut up!" I laughed as he swayed on the sidewalk avoiding my hit but falling back into step beside me.

"I'm just saying Ken seems to really like you!" Harry continued to talk as I laughed at him.

"He's not my type!" I argue back.

"Oh really?" Harry smiled even bigger now. "You're one of those girls." He mused to himself as we walked around the corner stepping up to the first street of the farmers market.

"The kind of girl with standards?"

"Yea one of those kind, how dare you have standards."

I stopped walking taking in everything around me, the flowers, and all the venders not to mention the smells of all the wonderful food that reached my nose instantly. Harry continued to walk as if he wasn't aware of all the amazing things to witness around him. I let the street vibes wash over me as I gathered it all in.

Now there was street fairs and farmer markets and I'd been to both but this was in its own league compared to the ones in Seattle. I scanned the streets straining my eyes back to as far as I could see and yet the maze of roads continued as the people meandered around.

Harry's voice drew me back in as I turned back to him standing 10 feet in front of me watching me in awe of my awe. I smiled sheepishly as I shrugged walking over to him. "Sorry but I thought you were taking me to a farmers market Harry, not the worlds largest farmers market."

Harry smiled laughing his perfect laugh as I smiled back at him.

"What they don't have gaudy farmers markets in America?" He laughed again. I had begun to really love that laugh and the dimples that lie in perfect harmony with it.

"Not like this, no!"

"Then your in for a treat aren't ya?" Harry held out his hand for me to take hold of gesturing into the market. I smiled taking his hand stepping off the curb into the bustling street filled with people.

"What over there?" I asked pointing to the right side of the street where a crowd gathered as music played happily in the air. Harry glanced over that direction with a goofy grin grabbing my hand once again as he pulled me in that direction.

"I don't know, let's check it out!"

We walked up to the crowd seeing a group of young guys dancing and break dancing right on the street. It was mesmerizing watching the guys jump around and slide in and out of moves twisting and contorting their bodies to the rhythm. I'm not sure how long we actually stood there and watched them dance clapping and cheering with the rest of the crowd.

One of the performers walked up to me holding out his hand for me to join him. Hesitant I looked over to Harry who smiled with a huge grin pushing me towards the man. He positioned me directly in the middle of their whole set up telling me to stand still, then he stepped back to Harry pulling him next to me.

The man positioned us back to back telling us not to move.

I felt my head sit against the curve of Harry's shoulder blades, his spine curving against mine. I could feel my nerves building as the crowded ooo and aww'd while we stood in the middle.

"We are going to juggle blades around these two brave volunteers!" I heard one of the performers shout to the crowd as my stomach dropped.

Knives! No one said I was going to be dodging knives! I thought as I felt my panic rise.

"Oh my god." I breathed out softly seeing the sharp knives shimmer in the sun as one of the jugglers pretended to juggle them before dropping them all in a matter of seconds. I was losing faith in their skill set rapidly. Just before I was making up my mind whether I was going to run back into the crowd and leave Harry standing alone I felt his hands snake into mine, our fingers linking together tightly, as our backs still rested against each other.

His large hand enveloped mine as he squeezed tightly on mine sending his courage through his touch like a jolt of electricity shooting down my body. I relaxed slightly as his thumbs massaged the back of my hands as the jugglers counted out for the crowd, "Ready? 1, 2, 3!"

I felt something whiz passed my head as I squeezed my eyes shut with a tiny yelp, clasping tight to Harry for support. The crowd cheered loudly as the swords fanned the air on my face. It ended as suddenly as it began as I finally pulled my eyes open.

"Let's give it up for the two stars of this show!" The man that pulled me up shouted to the crowd as they cheered for Harry and I. I felt Harry let go of my left hand as he turned around still holding on to my right hand, I pulled my eyes open seeing his perfectly green eyes staring down at me.

"Never thought you'd do that did you?" He smiled as I smiled back at him.

"I can honestly say that was a first! I'm glad you were there to share it with me!"

He grinned even more grabbing my hand to drag me off to another part of the market.

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