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Liam fell asleep again, I curled up next to him and slept on his chest. Waking up hours later at the sound of Liam's voice reverberating in his chest, it rattled his bones and hummed peacefully through my body. I kept my eyes closed just listening to him speak. "You look comfy." Zayn mused.

"Very." Liam answered.

"I'm happy for you mate, but don't mess with her heart brother." Zayn warned. I felt my heart plummet.

"Everything I have ever loved has either ruined me or watched me ruin it," Liam said seriously. "but with Emma it's different." He felt warm and comforting. I wanted to cling to his shirt and curl myself deep into the curve of his neck and never let go. I was truly happy for the first time in months.

"I'll let you two alone then." Zayn. "I'm glad you're ok."

I heard him leave as Liam twirled my hair absent mindedly. "You're going to make me go bald." I murmured to him as he looked down at me with a smile.

"Oh sorry. I bet you'd still look cute even if you were bald." He laughed as I shoved him playfully.

"I'll remember that when we're old and I actually go bald."

"Can't wait babe." He kissed me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Sore, everything hurts."

"What can I do to help?"

"Kiss me to make me feel better." Liam answered cheekily.

"You are smooth." I smiled leaning over to kiss him again.

"I saw that in a movie once. I guess it actually works in real life too."

The door slide open as a nurse walked in. "All ready?" She asked Liam.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"To go home." She smiled kindly.

"Yea the doc came in while you were sleeping babe. Said I was good enough to go home."

"Are you sure?" I dropped my voice asking Liam softly. He didn't answer as I turned to the nurse again. "Its just he just told me he was still very sore."

"I would expect so, but he only has a bruised rib or two and the rest is just cosmetic surface bruises. So you will be sore for a while Liam, but it's better to be sore at home rather than here in the uncomfortable hospital bed with only jello to sustain you."

"Sounds good to me." Liam grinned.

"Here is your paperwork Mr. Payne. I know you won't like it, but it is hospital procedure to wheel you out in a chair, so I'll be back shortly and we'll get you going."

"Thanks." Liam took the clipboard from her filling out the paperwork. I stood up and gathered my belongings which wasn't much admittedly, since I only came in with the clothes on my back, I picked up my purse and checked to see Harry's engagement ring still tucked safely in the pocket inside.

"You sure you're ready to leave?" I asked Liam again as he began to get out of the bed. I stepped forward to help steady him.

"You're adorable when you're worried." He smirked. "I'm sure, I'll be fine."

"You can't even put on your pants by yourself." I smirked helping him step into his trousers.

"Ouch Emma, knock a bloke when he's down why don't you." He huffed.

"Oh babe, I'm sorry, I don't mean to add bruised ego to your already long list of bruises." I kissed him on the nose. He scrunched his nose and puckered his lips waiting for me to kiss him there as well. Instead I pulled his shirt over his head as he whined from beneath the cotton layer.

"I think you're supposed to be helping me get dressed not tangling me up in my shirt." He complained trying to find his way out of the long-sleeved shirt while I laughed at his attempts. He finally found the head hole and popped his face out with a very grumpy look. "I don't like you anymore. I want a new nurse." He complained.

"I'm not your nurse babe. I'd be far to naughty for that." I teased and he got a glimmer in his eye.

"Oh is that so?" he said wrapping me up between his legs. "What's a guy got to do to be in nurse Emma's good graces?"

The door slid open again and I whispered "later" into his ear. A male nurse pushed the wheel chair into the room. He looked like no nurse I'd ever seen. Bigger than a bear and dark black skin covered in tattoos, but his ears were pierced with little diamond studs. He was an anomaly for sure. "Mr. Payne your chariot awaits." He said sarcastically.

"Uh thanks Garçon." Liam chimed back equally as sarcastic.

"Funny guy." He murmured as I helped Liam into the wheel chair. He rolled Liam out of the room while I walked beside him. Liam slipped his hand into mine as we strolled down the hall together.

I forgot I didn't drive the way here and we reached the parking lot I realized I should have called us a cab. "Oh Liam I forgot I didn't drive myself here." I apologized digging into my purse for my phone.

"No need, there's Zayn." He pointed as Zayn drove into the parking lot. "I figured I'd ask him just in case." Liam smiled from the chair at me.

"Here is good mate." Liam told the big bear like man pushing the chair, he stopped and helped Liam up just as Zayn pulled up to the curb.

"Roadside assistance?" He shouted through the open window. I opened the front door and helped Liam inside Zayn's SUV.

"Hey Zayn, thanks for the ride." I said climbing into the backseat of the Jeep.

"No problem Emma. Happy to help." He dropped us off at our apartments and we slowly made our way up in the lift.

Liam made for his side of the hallway. "Where are you going?" I asked him taking his hand and leading him m over to my place.

"Uh Emma I just want to sleep in my own bed tonight." He whined.

"I'm not leaving you alone for the night Liam." I argued.

"That's the beauty of my bed," Liam whispered his lips so close to mine. "It fits two." I smiled as he led me back over to his side and unlocked the door. I shut it behind us and locked it again.

Liam was already sitting on his bed when I came into his room. "How is it that walking from the front door to the bed, literally 15 feet away, takes all my energy?"

"Babe, you're going to have to take it easy for the next few days." I sat down beside him and rubbed his back.

"I hate to say it darling but your boyfriend is 95." He joked.

"I always wanted an older man." I teased him making him laugh.

"You certainly got one." He bent down and untied his shoes kicking them off of his feet.

"How about a cuppa tea?" I asked him as he slowly for ready for bed. He nodded then told me where the tea bags were as I went out into the kitchen to make two cups.

After several minutes the water boiled and I poured it into his mug bringing out back to the bedroom. Before I even walked in I knew he was asleep from the sound of his snores filling up the quietness of the room.

I crossed over to his side of the room setting the mug on his nightstand and pulled the covers over him as he settled in deeper to the cozy blanket. Then I shut off the light and climbed into the bed beside him being the big spoon for the first time ever in my life and fell asleep instantly with a smiled on my lips.

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