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I didn't sleep any more for the night as I laid awake next to Liam thinking about Harry. I felt horrible to lie to him but he needed to let me go and he wasn't going to if I was truthful.

I few different times throughout the night I had to stop myself from going to his door just to apologize.

When the clock struck 5 am and the sun began to rise I climbed out of bed going into the living room. I fished Harry's ring out of my bag and held out in my hand watching the diamond shimmer in the morning light. In a parallel universe I would have been happy with Harry's ring on my finger, over the moon even, but Liam had my heart. As much as I wanted to deny that, to go to Harry and proclaim my love for him, I couldn't. I curled my fingers into a fist holding the ring tight in my hand, I could feel the indents of it imprinting itself on my palm.

I put it back in my bag knowing that the next time I saw Harry I would give it back and went to the bathroom for a shower.

When I came out of the steaming bathroom Liam smiled at the sight of me in a towel, my wet tangled hair falling haphazardly around my shoulders. "Good morning." He cooed from bed.

"Hey." I greeted him with a kiss. His hands tugged on the edge of the towel but I held it tight around me.

"Babe, I have to go to work." I told him in a whisper because our lips were still touching.

"Call in sick." He whispered back still trying to open the towel to reveal my skin.

"I can't, love." I said stepping away from him. "Wish I could, but it's Monday and there is a big client on the books today." I explained.

"Why must you torture me like this?" He grumbled falling back in the bed with a pout.

"You're still hurt babe. Believe me I want to too." I kissed him.

"I just have some bruised ribs, I am fine." Liam argued.

"I also want our first time together to be romantic." I added.

"Are you suggesting at a quickie with me now isn't romantic?" Liam smirked.

"Funnily, I am saying that." I answered back.

"Fair point." He laughed and I shoved him back down on the bed while I went into the closest to change into my clothes.

I walked out to the kitchen where Liam stood shirtless in sweatpants pouring himself a cup of coffee. His entire torso was black and blue still. "Babe, you sure you're feeling ok? Those look painful." I indicated at his rib cage.

"Naw, I'm good. Docs got me on some good drugs." Liam smiled wrapping his arm around my neck.

"Ok, but try not to overdo it today, maybe you should just rest."

"Relax hun, I'll be fine. I'm a big boy remember?"

"Call if you need anything." I said as he walked me to the door.

"I will love, go to work, don't worry about me." He spoke leaning out the door into the hall. I kissed him again before jetting off to the lift.

It was getting colder as the blustery wind blew the fallen leaves around the ground. I pulled my scarf tight around my neck and climbed into my car.

The ride to work took longer than usual due to traffic and my apparent need to hit ever red light from my apartment to the studio. Eventually, I parked and walked into the building.

I walked in and most of the staff was already there and I walked towards my office. Niall approached me just as I got to my door. "You're late Diamond." He grinned.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now