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The ceremony was beautiful. And I found myself smiling far too big the whole time. I was reminiscing as I watched Casey and Andy dance together, it was late in the evening now, the sun was failing out of the sky meeting the horizon rapidly. The DJ was playing a slow Ed Sheeran song and I hummed along but I couldn't remember the words.

I was tired but happy, and slightly drunk, when Harry approached me. "Shall we dance?" He whispered in my ear. He pulled me out to the dance floor, wrapping me up close, the gap between our bodies quickly disappearing. It felt so natural with him. I kissed him playing with the curls in his hair. "I love you." He murmured against my kisses. I only replied with another kiss.

The music swelled as I rested my head on his chest breathing him in. Casey caught my eye smiling over at me from her spot in Andy's arms. We communicated silently knowing exactly what each of us were thinking. Casey broke away from Andy pulling him across the floor towards us. "Mind if I cut in?" Andy asked me. I smiled.

"Not at all." We traded guys as Harry began dancing with Casey while Andy took my arms.

"He's a good guy." Andy said from above me.

"Harry?" I asked even though I knew who he was talking about.

"He seems to like you a lot." Andy added.

"He's a good friend."

"Em, I'm a good friend. Harry is a good guy, and he loves you."

"I know." I sighed.

"But you don't love him?"

"I could love him, but..."

"You're scared." He spoke for me, I looked at him with surprise.

"You're awfully bold today calling me out like that."

"I'm married now I can finally say what I want to my girls best friend," He spoke over me silencing me. "Because I love you, and so does Casey, we both want the best for you."

I glanced over to Casey who was laughing with Harry, totally immersed with his charms. "He is the best thing that has happened since Ian cheated on me."

"I don't think that's true." Andy whispered. I turned back to him. "Harry is great, and if you choose to have him then I'll make sure he treats you well for as long as you keep him."

"I already have two big brothers Andy."

"Too bad!" He laughed. "Now you have three, but something tells me you're going to follow your heart this time." The music ended as we stopped dancing, Casey and Harry walking back over to us.

"Can I have my husband back Em?" Case asked me as I let go of Andy, Harry wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"It's almost time to head out baby." Andy told her. "We should probably make the rounds and say our goodbyes."

I hugged Andy then Casey holding on longer than normal. "I love you." She whispered to me.

"I love you more." I whispered back.

"Have a safe flight back."

"I will. Call me when you get to Ireland. That should be a brilliant honeymoon."

"You bet." She smiled at me.

"I know I have to let go of you but I really don't want to."

"I don't want to either, wish you could stay here for ever." She hugged me tighter.

Finally we said our goodbyes, and Harry and I watched them leave, a long with the rest of their guests. I stood in the street watching the just married print on the back window of the car fade out of view. "You ready to head home Em?" Harry asked me.

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