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My brain hums from the night before. I didn't get much sleep. I breathe in the scent of warm coffee as it drips into my cup. God, it's only Tuesday I think to myself as I yawn.

It's still early though as I check my watch grabbing the paper off my stoop. I skim the headlines reading Gang Violence claims Another Victim the headline below that, talking about witness protection on London at its max, victims being turned away without help. I sigh wondering about their families, it must be hard, fleeing from everything you know. Liam floats through my brain as I think about him being a runaway like Perrie mentioned yesterday.

The comparisons to my own life are parallel but I chose to run, these people didn't choose a life of secret identities and new places, they were forced into it. I wonder which category Liam falls into.

Suddenly a knock on my door makes me jump spilling my coffee a little bit. Making my way to the door I twist my lock swinging the door open.

"Liam?" I observe as he stands before me in a tank top and jeans, barefoot.

"Feeling neighborly?" He asks with a grin. "I'm locked out see." He says pointing his thumb over his shoulder back to his door.

"Seriously?" I ask annoyed.

"Yea, mind of I wait for the locksmith fella here? It's bloody cold out there." He says stepping inside without my admittance.

"Payne I'm not on the mood this morning besides I'm going to be late for work." I lie knowing full well that I have more than enough time to get to work.

"Oh come on Emma! You won't even notice I'm here." He says scanning my apartment with interest. The stacks of boxes are the only thing to look at though as I sill have yet to unpack them all.

"Fine." I give in begrudgingly stepping away from the door but leaving it open so the locksmith can find him.

"Thank you." Trying to ignore him I go back to my newspaper leaving the front door open so he will leave as quickly as possible when the locksmith comes. "Committed to the move huh?" Liam asks tapping on a pile of boxes in the corner.

"I've been busy."

"Is that a pantry room?" Liam asks pointing to the door in the kitchen. I nod. "I thought these units were all standard." He spoke offhand.

A door opened in the hallway as I look out of my open door. The woman from last night Liam was with is in his doorway leaving for the morning, her dress askew and high heels in his hand, she tiptoes barefoot out of his apartment. A moment later she is gone as I turn to Liam who is hiding behind the couch. "Unbelievable!" I shout angrily. "Do you think that maybe the woman you slept with last night could, I don't know, help you get in your apartment?"

"I don't do morning hook ups."

"You couldn't just kick her out?" I snarl.

"That would be rude doll face. The decent thing would be if she snuck out before I woke up." Liam smiled as he sat down on my couch.

"You are a real dick."

"This way no one gets hurt." Liam laughs. "I don't have to be the bad guy, and if I want I could still call."

"Get out of my apartment!" I yank him from the couch shoving him towards the door. "Next time you want to sneak out on a woman leave me out of it!" Before I even know what is happening I feel his lips against mine.

He pushes me back against the wall as I feel my heart race in pleasure. Minty breath cools my tongue as he kisses me hard and passionately. My legs shake threatening it give up under my weight, I feel his grip tighten on me as my hands find his face.

He separates from me quickly with a smile as I flicker my eyes open already missing his lips. "Where's the fun in that doll face?" He purrs staring at me from only inches apart. Then he crosses the hallway shutting his door behind him leaving me staring at his red door in shock. 

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