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Who the hell was that?

After a few seconds of starring blankly at the place the stranger once stood I dug my keys out of my pocket and sank them into the lock pushing into my apartment. It had been a long morning. I collapsed heavily onto the couch, my mind finally gauged how tired I was now that I'd stopped moving, and it didn't take long before sleep overcame me.

Jumping from my slumber at the sound of my phone ringing, I scrambled to find it wanting more than anything to silence the notice. "Hello?" I answer groggily.

"Diamond!" Niall's bright and cheerful voice galloped through the phone at me.

"Niall?" I asked mid yawn.

"Are you busy tonight?" He asks ignoring the tired in my voice. I unstick myself from the fake leather of my couch where I'd creased with my body during my slumber and wiped the drool from my chin.

"No." I yawned again checking the time. It was only the afternoon, I'd slept maybe 3 hours after brunch this morning, my head spinning, the delayed hangover from the night before kicking in.

"Good, I've got us tickets tonight."

"Us? Tickets?" I repeated stupidly.

"Me, you, Perrie and her date."

"Date?" I asked confused. Great now Niall was asking me out ... how could three different guys be into me all at the same time? "I'm not really in the date mood." I

"Meet me at 7 at the Safe."

"I'm not sure where that is Niall." I say knowing full well that I have no clue where that is.

"I'll text you the address. See you tonight." He hung up the phone without any further explanation.

I pour myself a cup of coffee before making my way to the window putting the record player on as I watched the city beyond my window.

My phone rang with the address from Niall.

I sighed deciding I should shower and actually put on some real clothes, my Netflix account was playing old episodes of Grey's Anatomy in the background as I did my hair and put on my makeup.

About a quarter to seven I left my apartment locking the door behind me. The address programmed into my phone, it was a brisk evening out and I was thankful the distance to the venue was short. Niall stood across the parking lot with a grin, I waved to him as he approached me eagerly. "Emma! Good you're here!"

"Yea, I made it." I said as he slipped his hand in mine dragging me behind him into the building.

A larger sign read The Safe in rusted block letters. I frowned noticing the irony of this beat up building, which looked like it should be condemned, being named after anything safe.

"Umm Niall, what exactly are we doing here?" I spoke from behind him, he was still holding my hand leading me down a dingy looking hallway.

"You'll see." I could hear music in the distance and suddenly I remembered that Perrie and her date were supposed to be with us. Growing anxious I felt my mind focus on Niall's hand encased around my own.

"Niall, maybe we shouldn't," I paused trying to think of the right way to tell him I didn't want to date him, but I stopped talking quickly as we approached a booth. He slid our tickets under the glass slot to the giant gorilla looking man in the tiny booth. "Enjoy." He grunted.

"Thanks mate." Niall said before pulling me into the arch or the door just beyond him. It opened up into a giant arena, dark but full of people enjoying themselves and talking. In the center spotlighted under the lights was a boxing ring. I gazed out confused.

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