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I waited in my apartment for the rest of the night hoping he would come after me, by with every passing tick from the clock I knew he wouldn't. Depressed from tonight's events I went to bed early after eating a whole carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

The next morning it all hit me again as I lugged myself out from under the sheets forcing my brain not to think of Liam. Nothing could steer my mind off of him though as I got ready for the day with very little energy.

I grabbed my bag slinging the leather strap over my shoulder and headed for my front door. Pulling it open I jumped not expecting Harry to be standing there with his fist raised like he was about to knock on the door. He stood with a smile on his face. "Hey beautiful." His greeting like honey with that gravely voice.

I smiled as my heart rate returned to normal speed. "You scared me." I said panting.

"Sorry I just wanted to see you. I've been worried about you." Harry hugged me with a kiss to my cheek.

"I know, sorry, my phone died the other night and I couldn't reach you." I lied hoping he would confess that he tracked my phone. I felt like taking my anger out on someone, preferably Liam, but Harry would do. He didn't bat an eyelash though as he smiled flashing his dimples.

"That's ok babe."

"Right well, I've got to go to work now Haz, sorry I don't mean to rush off but I am late already." I said quickly stepping out of my apartment and locking my door behind me. He followed me to the lift and we kissed before the doors closed but it was all I could do to get out of there fast.

Finally I pulled into my spot at work and made my way into the office.

"Hey Emma," Gwen greeted me as I walked past her office. "Good to see you girl!"

"You too Gwen!" I shouted back not bothering to stop. I mazed my way to my office and shut the door behind me.

"Nice digs." I screamed lightly turning to the corner of my office. It was dark but the light clicked on revealing Louis sitting in my lounge chair. I glanced out the glass windows of my office hoping no one heard my scream but it looked like the place was still somewhat abandoned and furthermore no one was rushing to my aid.

"Louis! What the hell are you doing here?"

"I needed a place to stay." He shrugged.

"You spent the night here?" I asked shocked.

"No, I snuck in this morning after the doorman came in." He said then, seeing the look on my face, added "Don't worry nobody saw me."

"How did you even know I worked here?" I asked flabbergasted.

"I may have swiped your business card from your wallet when you weren't looking yesterday." He smiled sheepishly. "Life of a thug, I am a quick pick pocket."

"You can't be here."

"I have no where else to go." He answered sadly.

I sighed processing the situation before me. "Louis, if I give you my keys, will you promise not to rob me?"

"You want me to go stay at your place?" He asked shocked.

"But only if you don't rob me."

"I won't rob you love. I promise."

Niall knocked on my door and poked his head in. "Morning Em! Happy Monday." He eyed Louis carefully for a moment then back to me.

"Ah Niall this is my brother, he surprised me with a visit just now." I walked over to Louis leaning against him as if to show him off. He looked even more bruised and damaged up close.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now