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The alarm sounds too soon as I groan rolling over to slap the snooze. Begrudgingly I lift my head off my pillow blinking myself awake as I wipe the sleep from the corners of my eyes before making my way towards the shower as the hot water limbers my muscles, like grease to the a Tin-man, I hum the song playing on my radio.

After spending too long in the shower I rush the rest of my morning skipping breakfast all together. I quickly grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder as I step out into the hallway, it's quiet still, most likely due to the early hour.

Looking to avoid the awkward carpool home like yesterday I decided to drive myself, traffic is less than usual as I decide to feed my rapidly growling stomach, I pull into a coffee shop. I sip on my hot coffee willing the caffeine to wake me up as I make my way to the lifts.

"Hold the door would ya?" A distinct Irish tone reaches my ears as I press the door open button waiting for Niall to get there. "Thanks Emma!" He said happily. I smiled nodding, it was far too early for actual communication, I hoped nonverbal gestures would suffice.

Niall wore a light blue dress shirt today with a loose yellow tie hanging around his neck. If there was a simplistic way for a man to look both cool and professional Niall was a pro at it.

The lift doors opened up as they both exited out onto the main floor. Sam walked up yo them quickly. "Morning! Did you to come in together? We are having a meeting in twenty ok? In the conference room, don't be late!" She spoke quickly not letting either Niall or myself respond to any of her questions before zipping off somewhere else.

"That's Sam for you," Niall laughed. "See you in the meeting."

"Sounds good. Oh an I have an extra breakfast sandwich, do you want it?" I said holding up the coffee shop bag from my drive in.

"Really?" Niall asked.

"I'm not going eat it. I thought I was hungrier, but I am full from the other one." I plopped the bag into his hands.

"Thanks Emma! I didn't have breakfast so this is awesome!"

"No problem Niall, see you at the meeting." I made my way towards my office as I collapsed into my desk chair.

I sigh seeing the stack of zipdrives sitting on my desk of shoots still needing edit. I grab the first one on the pile sticking it into my computer. A file for Hugh Laurie pops onto the screen.

It it's still surreal how many celebrities come to Capture, I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I work on the session for a few minutes before the meeting saving my changes to his file.

Niall knocks on the glass on my office waving me too the meeting I make my way towards him as he walk to the conference room together. "Do you know what this meeting is about?" I ask.

"High profile client is my guess." Niall answered.

"Don't we have high profile clients everyday?"

"Yes, but some clients like to go about this very discreetly. I hope it's Beyonce!" He added happily winking my way, I laughed. "But knowing my luck it's probably some male heartthrob type."

"It is only Thursday, I could use a pick me up!" I smile wondering who it could be.

"All right Diamond, how's this? If it's someone I like I'll treat you to a drink, if it's someone you fancy; you buy."

"Deal!" I shake his hand as he opens up the conference room door for me. We sit next to each other at one end of the table. Perrie, Eleanor and Gwen are across from us.

"Ok people!" Sam says loudly as we all fall silent for her. "We have a special client today."

"Drum roll." Niall whispers to me as he pats the table softly.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now